Chapter 7

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Michele's POV:

I don't know how to think now. I have lost my thinking ability. This women sitting beside me is a tough one. She has faced so much that I can't even 'dream of'. It's ridiculous to think about the things she has come across.

I got up with Ryan in my arms and walked up to my room and tucked him under the covers.

I was not wanting to believe my ears. It's so unbelievable. He is not a man. He is not even an animal. He is a fucking arrogant physio alien. How could he behave like that with his daughters. It's crazy isn't it.

I am so angry and annoyed. My blood is boiling, if I ever get a hold of him. He's dead!. I thought and kissed Ryan's forehead.

She came in and sat the other side of the bed. We looked at each other blankly. She bend and kissed Ryan's check and ruffled his hair.

She's not his mother but, loves him like he's her son. I thought and I a smile came on my lips.

"What exactly happened last night?"
I asked in a whisper.

She sat straight and took a deep breath. Looking at her face I know she has cried and washed her face and came up.

"The cafe I work is his friend's, there his son Steven also had an eye for me. Even he used to come home and has many times....." She stopped.

I understood her meaning and anger raised to it's peak in my brain. I have no idea that why am I feeling so much, but I'm really getting angry hearing whenever anyone tried 'using her'.

"Yesterday in the morning while arranging your order. He came and told me to be ready at night, he will bring some of friends too. Because Anthony had borrowed money from them and has not paid back. I kept quiet and I knew nothing would change. I have to face the night".

She looked at me and I gave her a blank expression.

She signed and countinued.....

"After work I went home. I was scared, nervous, anxious. But, had no other option. I put up courage and entered inside. I saw the house was silent. Anthony was not there. It was still time for night so, I thought of visiting Ryan and come back. I came back out and went to Jazz's place which is the next building.

When I knocked, Jack her husband opened the door with a worried face. When I inquired what happened they said his mother was not well and they have to leave tonight. They had left their girls in an relative's house, but since Ryan is very small and would not stay without any one of us. They waited for me knowing that I would come to see him.

I told them to go and not worry. I love spending time with him. He is the only reason I'm alive. He needs me. After they left. I brought Ryan home with me. I was enjoying with him. When I didn't notice the time.

The main door opened with a loud sound and I jolted up from my place. I was sitting in the living room with Ryan playing on the carpet.

Then enterd two giant sized men with guns in their hands. I recognized they were the same who were looking for me in the morning.

Anthony took money from them and was not able to pay it. One of them came to me and pulled a hand full of my hair and yanked me down. He asked me where is my father. I said that I don't know. But, he didn't believe me. They started to beat me but, I still told them I don't know where he is as I really didn't know.

Then the other one came and pulled me by my waist and started to 'tare my clothes'. He pulled off my top and started kissing me roughly. I was screaming in pain. But, he didn't stop. He pushed me down and came on top on me, his hands everywhere on me.

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