Chapter 11

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Michele's POV:

It's been a week and she didn't call nor informed me about anything. How mean of her. Didn't she think of me? Honestly, from the day Lilly and Ryan left, I feel all alone in this huge house of mine. The three days that I spent with them, I can't forget. I was hurt and angry with my break up. But, because of them I forgot about everything.

So, today I finally decided to go to her house. Yes, if she doesn't care then I'm not going to care too. I miss them, I want to see them. But, I actually didn't know her house address as you know we met on the streets. Then it struck me, I called Jazz her friend. I saved her number and when I asked her their address she immediately texted me.

Mum and Nathan had come back, I told Mum I'm going out with my friends. I have yet not told her about 'Lilly nor about Alice'.
Yes, she knows about Alice and liked her too, I didn't tell her that we 'broke up'.

When I reached her house she looked all shocked. But, when 'my baby' saw me he looked so happy. He said he missed me, but you know Ryan and his pronunciation. He said it in such a way that I wanted to laugh but, smiled widely.

Wait! Did I just mention him as my baby? No I didn't? Forget it.

She sheepishly smiled and let me in. Once we sat completely. I again asked her if she missed me or not. And she looked hurt but, I was no less either. I did so much for her and she didn't even bother to remember me....

She apologized I know she didn't mean to do anything intentionally. So, I played along a while. I told if she gives me the chicken she makes, then I will forgive her. Ho man she really cooks awesome.

The whole week I thought only of her food. And even now I could get the smell of chicken.

The whole day we spent together and I did not regret a bit by coming here. I was so happy and so were they. I left after dinner.

While driving, suddenly I remembered of something. I had brought it for Ryan but, forgot to give him. It was inside my car. I immediately took a U-turn and went back. I came out of the car with the bag of toys in my hands. I went close to the house and rang the doorbell.

I rang thrice but, no response. Did they 'sleep off'?.. No, I know she can't sleep so early. I just left 15mins ago. I looked around a bit to see all the lights are on, then how can she sleep. I am not feeling good. I didn't understand what to do. I tried opening the door and it opened. Did she not lock?

I stepped inside and saw all mud fallen on the floor. The flower pot is standing but, little mud is out. I went further not stamping the mud.

I called out, but no answer.

"Lilly...Lilly!!"..... I again yelled louder but, no reply.

The living room is empty, the kitchen is empty. I ran up to the bedroom and found Ryan fast asleep. I signed a bit in relief. I looked for her in the bathroom. But, she is not there too. Where the hell has she gone? I'm so angry and worried about her.

I carried Ryan and came down. I came out of the house and suddenly my foot stepped on something. I looked down at something shining. I bend over and picked it up to find.

'It's Lilly's bracelet'.

What the hell is it doing here? Is she OK? I got all the wired thoughts which are not suppose to come.

I ran towards Jazz's place. I banged the door. She opened it and had a wired look.

"Hey, Michele! How come here?" She asked strangely.

"Jazz there is a problem. Lilly is in danger. You keep Ryan with you. I'm going to the station". I said giving Ryan in her arms.

"Where is she? What danger are you talking about?"
She asked worriedly.

"Honey, who's that?" Came Jack from the behind.

He looked at me and gave the same expression.

"It's Michele, he says 'Lilly is in some danger'. He is going to the cops". She told him in a hurry.

"I'll come with you!" Said Jack looking all serious.

I nodded in response.

"Keep me posted!" She said looking at her husband.

"Take care of the kids. I'll be back". He told her kissing her forehead, she also nodded and we left.

I took my car and we drove off... All the way my mind was going crazy. I shouldn't have left her to stay alone. And Jordan said he would give her protection. What the fuck did he do? I drove as fast as possible and we reached the police station.

I barged in ignoring all the men who came my way. I straight went into Jordan's cabin.

"What fucking protection did you give my girlfriend?" I barked at him, standing infont of his desk.

He stood up looking at me in confusion. The guards came in and held my hand to which I shrugged off. Jordan gestured them to leave us alone. They left me and went away.

"What is it Michele? Please be clear!"
He said coming across and facing me.

I took a deep breath and said.
"Lilly is kiddnaped. I don't know where she is".

"What? How is that possible? I have my men behind her all the time".
He said in a shocked but, confirming voice.

"I don't know. When I went home she was not there and the door was opened. I found her bracelet fallen near the main gate". I said again trying to control my emotions.

"Don't worry, we will 'find her'. Has she taken her phone with her?" He asked me going back to his desk and taking his phone.

"I don't know, I didn't check".
I said in defeat.

"I'm sure it is Anthony. Who else will do this? He's still out freely romaing in the city".
Said a equally furious Jack.

"Your right, we will try our best please have some patience". Said Jordan and kept his hand on my shoulder.

I kept quiet not saying anything.

He called someone on his cell and immediately the whole team came in form. All scattered everywhere and trying their best to get hold of her location.

We waited for 'any ransum' but, nothing came. We again felt like all is going to vain.

I was cursing that guy every moment. If anything happens to her. I swear I'll kill him with my bare hands.

Then suddenly my phone rang.......
I saw it's an 'unknown number'

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