Chapter 9

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Michele's POV:

When in the morning I saw the news. I came to know that my old friend Jordan, is the investigator of Anthony's case. I immediately called him, 'thank God we are in good touch'.

I needed to tell him that Lilly is innocent, but I don't have any proof. So, I need to think of a good excuse and plan. I can't tell him everything that Lilly has suffered but, yes just to put Anthony behind bars. I will tell him how Anthony abused her.

But, before he arrives I need to get some clothes for both Lilly and Ryan. I went to my room and saw both of them were fast asleep. Changing and taking my wallet I came back down and locked the door. I went out for some shopping. Once I came back still they were sleeping.

After some time Ryan woke up and I gave him a good bath and changed him. Then I went to wake Lilly up.

The moment our eyes met. We both froze and got lost into each other.
What is in these green eyes that pulls me in? I feel I'm drowning.

Till Ryan came running to show Lilly his clothes. We broke apart. When I gave her the clothes I got for her. She looked shocked. But, when she wore it and came down.
I couldn't take 'my eyes off her'.
She looked so beautiful!!.

Is she a magnet? Cause she's pulling me and I'm not able to hold back. I thought within myself in confusion.

Firstly, I got them clothes because they needed it and secondly,
'I couldn't let Jordan come and meet Lilly in that see through nighty'. Hell never will I let anyone see her like that.

While she was taking a shower. I was playing with Ryan in the living room. I got him some toys. And we both were running around. I felt like living my childhood again. She came down and caught him from the back and spinned him around, I too went close and tickled him.

Ryan was a laughing mess. But, I enjoyed myself fully. Then we stopped worrying him. And sat down. He, said he wanted to eat pizza so I ordered for it.

Just then the door bell rang and I went to open it and greeted my friend with a plesent smile and warm hug. When Jordan came, she got little scared but, I held her protectively and assured her there's nothing to worry about.

When Jordan told her everything she only nooded at him. We need to be careful, that guy has yet not been caught it's still dangerous for her to be alone out there.

After Jordan left. She asked me what did I tell him. And I told her 'the truth'. She was furious at me.
I don't know why? I don't think I did anything wrong. I did everything just to save her from embarrassment and going to jail.

She didn't speak to me the whole time. And so did I. We sleept off without talking to each other.
Next Morning:

I woke up with the sound of my alarm. Turning I stretched out my hand and searched for my phone. I felt it and switched the sound off. Opening my sleepy eyes. I see the 'most adorable screen in front of me'. A smile came on my lips.

Ryan had his face nuzzled into her chest and clutching on to her nighty. She had her forehead resting on his and held him securely.

These two don't look like 'aunt and nephew'. They actually look like 'mother and son'. I can't imagine how can she loves him so much. What will happen the day he comes to know 'the truth'. I don't know how will he react. I hope he understands and accepts the 'fact of his life'.

I got up and went into the bathroom. Coming out I saw she's up and sitting on the bed. Her eyes widened as soon as she saw me. I know why.

Because I am 'only with my towel around my waist'. I came out near the dresser and started wiping my wet hair with another towel.

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