Chapter 12

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Lilly's POV:

I slowly opened my eyes and saw he is sitting on the chair crossing his legs and leaning back looking at me with lust filled eyes.

I tried to sit up. My body is paining me everywhere. I somehow managed to sit up resting my back on the wall. I took a deep breath and looked at him.

He smiled and said.
"Baby girl, you know daddy loves you right?"

I gave him a blank look and turned my face away.

"Who is Michele?" He asked sternly.

How did he come to know about him? Did he do something to him? I thought and got scared but didn't answer.

"I asked you something?"
He said again.

I still kept numb. I am not going to tell him anything.

"I saw his number in your phone and he even came home today morning right?"
He asked me and again I just kept silent and looked away.

He stood up and rushed towards me he held my arm and pulled me up harshly. I winced in pain and stood facing him. He pinned me on the wall and held my neck tightly 'chocking me to death'.

"Dare you ignore me again, I will give you alive to my dogs. Get that? Answer me when I question you".
He said on my face with venom.

He left me and fell down coughing. I sat straight and said in a hores voice.

"It will be better if your dogs eat me than me getting killed by your hands".

He looked down and his anger got no less.

"I will surely kill you with my bare hands. But before that I need to get out of this city and for that I 'need money'. I have called that guy and told him to be ready with 5k. Then I will leave you. But, once I get the money I will kill you and him. Then I'll run away from here and end of story". 
He said and smiled widely.

"What do you mean? Did you call Michele?" I asked in shock.

"Yes, I did. And I must say that guy loves you allot. He instantly agreed to pay me and save you. But the poor guy doesn't know my plans".
He said and laughed evilly.

"What did he see in a sult like you?" He again laughed.

"You won't understand the meaning of love. A person like you will never know what does true love mean". I said on his face.

"Yeah, true I don't know how to love but I know how to fuck".
He said and bend over to me.

He kept his hand on my face and I moved away but he held my chin tightly. He came close and kissed me so hard I'm not feeling nice at all. Whenever he touches me I just hate myself. He started opening my blouse, he tore it and I became half nude. He cupped my breasts and pinched it. They hurt me and I couldn't help myself again.

Suddenly he stopped, I gave him a disgusting look. He licked his lips and laughed at me. He stood up and said.

"Your taste has gone baby girl, your not worth to even fuck anymore".

Laughing he went out of the room. I sat in a trance. Why is my life like this? What dose God want from me?
I cried within myself, tears not wanting to stop.

I am feeling so dizzy, I haven't had water. He beat me so much that my whole body is black and blue. I lay down on the cold floor and closed my eyes.

But then suddenly my heart thought, Is Michele really going to come and save me? Did Anthony say the truth? But, if Michele comes, and Anthony dose anything to him? No, 'no I can't let anything happen to Michele'.

I need to think of something, but what can I do? I'm tied up here. I can't move how will I go out of this room? Michele please don't come. Let me die. But, I can't lose you for anything. I just wish he doesn't come here.

My eyes automatically shut, I went back to my dark world.
After some time:

Bang.... Bang... Bang....

My eyes opened slightly, I could hear sounds of shooting.

"Lilly....Lilly.... Lilly!...."
I again heard faint voices.

I slowly struggling sat up and crawled towards the door. I tried to stand up. I somehow stood still and kicked the door. I kicked it twice and lost balance and fell back down. I shivered at the touch of the cold floor with my naked top body.

"Lilly, Lilly, Lilly...  Are you in there? Lilly are you there?"
Asked a male voice.

I recognized it's him. First my ears were not wanting to believe it. But, then the door banged open and there he stood. Our eyes met and I gave him a weak smile. I am so happy to see him. But, he had tears in his eyes.

He ran and came towards me he took off his jacket and covered me. He held me close to him and ceased my check.

"Your fine right? Be cool I'm here...nothing will happen..OK just keep breathing slowly".
His voice sounded so worried.

He took out his phone and called someone. I just layed in his arms looking at his face.

"Jordan, I've got her!. Call for the ambulance and make sure there is a nurse". He said and sounded serious.

He cut the call and looked at me. I looked back at him and a tear slipped my eyes.

He wiped it away with his fingers and kissed my forehead. Holding me tight close to his body.

"Don't cry baby, there is nothing to worry about now. Just stay strong. You are my brave woman".
He said and smiled.

I just snuggled into him more. I felt him carry me and walk out. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder. He carried me down and I heard everyone asking whether I was fine or not.

He then lay me down on something. He held my hand and kissesd my knuckles and forehead.

I felt him move far and telling the nurse, I guess to take care of me and he's following us to the hospital in the other car. And then I felt a light pin poke my arm. That's it everything blacked out once more.

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