Chapter 10

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Lilly's POV:

I needed to go.... so I decided to go stright from the police station. I called up Jazz and Andy and told them everything and told Jazz to come and take Ryan, while I told Andy to come and pick me up from the police station.

They are the only two people in this huge world for me. Now I think it's three. Yes, Michele has not done any less. Being a stranger doing so much for me and my son not evrey man dose. But, be has helped me more than needed.

So, I thought it's better to leave his house for good. Even his parents will be there in another few days.

I stayed 3 days in a strangers house, told him my whole story. Even lied to the cops that he is my boyfriend. Seriously, I cannot believe I did this. But, what happens, happens for the good.

"Here...hold your coffee". Said Jeni and sat beside me on the sofa.

"So, how did it go with the cops?" She asked me taking a sip from her cup.

I took a little breath and a sip of my cup.

"It went well, they believed my lise and truth". I said and sighed.

"What do you mean by lise and truth?" She asked confusingly.

"Truth that I was abused by my step-dad and lise of Michele being my boyfriend".
I said with a small chuckle.

She also chuckled and took another sip of her cup.

"They are still searching for him?" She asked in a little worried way.

I nodded my head with a sad face taking another sip of my coffee.

"Andy told me you need a job. I have a place for you.....if you don't mind".
She said with a small smile.

"Jeni, I'll owe you my life if you get me a job". I said in a hurry.

"Haa..." She laughed and said.

"My cousin sister Flora, has a bakery. I'll inform her about you and then you can go to meet her".

"That would be great!" I said with a relived smile.

The day went off normally and the next day I returned home. As I entered in, everything was tossed and turned upside down. It took me a whole day to clean up the whole house. Then I went to meet Flora. And she was as sweet as Jeni.
She gave me the job of an receptionist.

I even field a case on Steve and his father, their cafe got closed and Steve is arrested for sexual harassment. So was his father.

A week passed and it was going good. I brought Ryan with me and started living a normal life. I put Ryan in a near by play school. He enjoys himself there. I am just starting to breath my life.

Today's sunday and I thought to cook something nice for lunch. Ryan wanted chicken curry. So, here I am mixing the batter for the chicken.

Just then the door bell rang. I looked at the clock wondering who is come at this time. I washed my hands and went to open the door.

As I opened it I was not shocked but, very nervous looking at him here.

"Hi!..." He said smiling.

Before I could say anything Ryan came running.

"Bubby!...." He said and jumped onto him.

"Hey, my little munchkin!!"
Said Michele and picked Ryan up in the air hugging and kissing him.

"I mish you cho mash..." Said Ryan and kissed Michele's cheek.

"I missed you too"
Michele said with a wide smile.

"May I come in?" He asked looking at me.

"Ho! I'm so sorry"....
I said sheepishly and moved for him to step in.

We went inside the living room and sat on the sofa.

"So, busy are you?"
He asked me.

"Not much, I  was just preparing lunch".
I said with a small smile.

"You never thought of calling me? It's been a week!" He said and sounded hurt.

I'm actually short of words. It was my mistake. I don't know whenever he is around I feel wired so just not get too close. I tried to be far from him. So I nerve wanted to connect with him again. But, I'll never forget that he helped me the time there was no one.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!"
I said and looked down.

"I'm not forgiving you... Unless you give me to eat the chicken you are making". He said now with smile.

"How did you I was making chicken?" I asked in shock.

"Babe, your cooking fragrance is coming till outside". He said and laughed.

"OK, so if I give you to eat then you'll forgive me?" I asked innocently.

"Your apology will be accepted on base of the taste". He said and let a small chuckle.

I looked at him and nodded smiling. He stayed with us the whole day and we really enjoyed watching movies playing video games.
We exchanged numbers and then he left at night.

I put Ryan to bed and was cleaning up everything form the kitchen when suddenly I heard a loud noise from the hall way.

What is that? I thought and turned to walk out. I came and saw the main door is locked but, the flower pot beside the shoe rack has fallen.

I went close to it and picked it up. Gathering all the mud in my hands and putting it back into the pot.
Again I felt a wired feeling like someone is behind me.

I slowly got up and before I could trun around and look at anything, something hit me on my head hard and everything blacked out.


Opening my eyes slightly, I can see faint light. I sat up and noticed my hands and legs are tied and I'm in some dark room which has only a bulb hanging in the middle.

I don't where I am...nither I'm getting any good feelings.
Ryan, where is he? God I hope my baby is safe. I tried moving near the door, but I couldn't.

After sometime the door opened and entered the man I expected. He came in with a bag in his hands. He kept it down and kneeled in front of me. I'm not scared of him but, scared if anything happened to me who would take care of my son.

"You filthy bitch! You told everything to the police. How dare you?" He asked me and held my neck tightly.

I got chocked my eyes went up.
I riggled but not use. His hold is tight. I looked at him with disgust.

He left me and I coughed badly. He went towards his bag and took out a belt. He then came close to me and started hitting me 'black and blue until I passed out'...........

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