Chapter 8

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Lilly's POV:

"Lilly, Lilly,..." I heard a faint voice.

I slowly opened my eyes to meet those drak brown eyes. His face was so close, one leap and I would kiss him. We both staring at each other.

"Momy!..." I heard and we broke our eye contact, he moved and I sat up straight.

Ryan came running towards me and hugged me. I kissed his hair and hugged him back.

"Momy see 'new T-sirt'!"
He said standing on the bed in all smiles.

He is waring an spider man printed T-shirt and blue trousers. He lookes so cute in them.

"Your looking lovely baby". I said and pinched his cheeks. He smiled and ran out again.

I turned and looked at Michele he had a sheepish smile on his face. He then went towards the cupboard and took out a bag from there. I got out of the bed and stood with a puzzled face.

He came close and gave the bag in my hand.

"What is it?" I asked in confusion.

"See it for yourself". He said smiling slightly.

I put my hands inside it and came out a beautiful light pink dress, another blue dress, one more yellow dress and last a black sirkt with a red top.

I gave him a shocking look. He just smiled.

"Get changed and come down!". He said with a smile and left.

I sat back not knowing how to react. But, one part of me felt happy. After a long time someone has given me something. When Mom was alive she would buy us gifts for birthdays and Christmas. From the day she died I never even went to shop anything.

I took the black sirkt and red top. Going into the bathroom I took a nice shower and wore them. I am more than shocked to see they 'fited me perfectly'. I wonder how did he knows my size.

I came down and saw he and Ryan running around the hall with two toy guns in their hands. I slowly came from the back and caught Ryan. Lifting him up in the air and spinning him around. He laughed loudly, so did I.

Michele came fast started to tickle him. Ryan riggled more in my hands. We three are laughing in happiness.

"Momy, plees soop!"... He said giggling.

I gestured Michele to stop and I put him down on the sofa. We both sat down with Ryan in the middle. He looked at me and smiled so did I.

Why did he do all this? What is the reason? Who am I to him? Just a stranger isn't it? All these thoughts running in my head.

"Momy, I want to eat pissa". Ryan broke my thoughts.

"Wait I'll order it!" Said Michele and took his phone from the center table.

I sat quietly looking at whatever Ryan played on the TV. I need to move out from here, how more long can I stay in his house. His parents will be here in a few days. What would they think of me? Ryan needs a proper life. I can't just let him be running from one place to another. I first need to even find a job. I am not educated enough to get one. But, I obviously need one. God please help me'!. I prayed mentally.

Just then the door bell rang. I looked at Michele and he got up. I sat in the living room. When Michele came in with one guy. I immediately stood up giving them a horiffied look.

Michele came close to me and held my hand. I gave him a worried look.

"Lilly this is Jordan my school friend. He is an 'CBI officer'. He is also handling Anthony's case". He said and my heart skipped a beat.

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