Chapter 3

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Michele's POV:

I waited eagerly and nervously. I tried calling her but, she didn't pick up. No worries she will come. I told myself. But, now it was going to be night she has not yet come. I was worried for her. But, also hurt that she did not come.

I saw the time and now it was too late. The cafe will close in an hour. So, I thought to leave and go to her house. I went to the counter and told the guy to make my bill. Everyone knew that I was going to propose to my girlfriend. I had done special arrangement here and they had done a good job. But, when my eyes met those beautiful green one. I instantly recognized it was her.

She gave me a small smile but I kept a blank expression. I saw she was wearing an apron that had a badge with her name on it...Lilly Carter. She works here I guess. I payed and left from there.

I am currently driving in speed thinking of Alice. I just hope she is fine. I tried a million times to call but, it just kept ringing. I'm more than worried now and my heart is beating fast.

Finally I reached within 45 minutes. I parked my car out side her house gate. She comes from a rich family and both her parents have their own business. So, her house is pretty huge. The guard recognized me and let me in. I walk inside opening the door entering the passcode as I know it byheart.

As I stepped in I can see there are two cups of coffee on the center table. I noticed there is a cigarette bud too. She doesn't smoke I know.

I slowly walk up to her room and I can hear some sounds, her door is ajar, I push it slowly and half die at the scene in front of me. She's having sex with a man and the man is non other than Mr. Colton. My world came crashing down. Tears started pouring out of my eyes. Everything stopped working around me.

"Alice..." I whisper looking at her with wet eyes.

They stopped whatever they were doing and both had horiffied expression on their faces.

"Baby, I can explain!"
She says and gets out of him taking her top which is on the ground and warse it.

He also stands up and wares his clothes. She comes close to hold my hand.

"Don't dare you come close to me" I say with a lot of pain in my heart.

"Give me a chance to explain!"
She says with pleading eyes.

"What do want to say?" I ask her softly with a aching heart.

"Colton, please can you give me a minute" She tells him, he nods walking out, not before smirking at me.

"See, he offered me a higher position in the company to which I couldn't deny. I don't want to be your assistant for all my life and for that,  he asked me just for one night. So I agreed" She says in one breath looking into my eyes in a normal voice.

My heart is ripped and vocal is not working. My tears dried up. I have nothing to say to her.

"Why are you crying? It just one night. Come on Michele don't overreact!" She says crossing her arms around her chest.

I stood being dumbfounded. Seriously is this the girl I am madly in love with? She is not regreting a bit. And here my heart is broken into pieces.

I put my hands into my pocket taking out the ring I had brought for her.

"I was going to propose to you tonight" I say looking at the ring in my hand.

"Ho, how sweet.. It's beautiful. She says with a smile looking at the ring.

She was about to take it when I moved my hand. She looked at me strangely.

I threw it harshly on the floor.

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