Chapter 15

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Michele's POV:

"Mr. Knight... Mr. knight..."
I heard a faint voice call me and a hand shaking my arm.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked the nurse smiling at me. I sat up from my sleeping position and rubbed my face with my palm.

"Sir, you got to wait outside for a while I need to give Ms. Lilly a spongbath". She said with a small smile.

"Yeah sure!..." I said and got up.
I looked at Lilly and she smiled so did I.

I came out and sat on the bench when my phone rang and it's Mum again. I picked it up and spoke to her and told her I'll be home by evening. She was worried. I assured her I'm ok and will be home soon.

Once, the nurse came out I went back inside. We looked at each other and I went close and sat on the stool. I held her hand and she smiled.

"How are you felling now?" I asked her.

"Great!"... She replied with a small smile.

"Doctor said we can leave by afternoon". I said smiling.

She only nodded in responce. I was about to say something when the door banged open with her friends coming inside.

"Good Moring!!" Said Jeni with a bright smile enterning inside with flowers and a fruit basket in her hands.

"Good Morning Jeni!" We both repiled to her smiling.

She came and hugged Lilly and I got up giving her place to sit. Then her boyfriend and Jack entered inside. I smiled at them to which only I got a responce from Jack.

I don't know why he acts wired with me. They also hugged her and were talking with her. I stood there silently looking at her smiling face. She looks beautiful when she smiles. I always want her to be happy and smiling. I love to see that pink lips curl up and those green eyes shine.

Michele why do you care so much about her? My inner mind spoke.

I don't know, but I just like her....there is something in this girl which I'm not able to resist.

"I think, you can leave. We are here to take care of our friend". Said Andrew looking at me all seriously.

I came out of my thinking and looked at him blankly.

"Andy shut up!. He doesn't need to go anywhere". Said Jeni to him.

"Why must he be here when we are there? I think he should leave". He said again with surety.

"Andrew we need to talk!" Jeni said and pulled him out with her and gave me an apologetic look before leaving out.

Jack did a video call to Jazz for Lilly to speak with her and Ryan. She became more happy after speaking with them.

Once she finished, Jack took the phone and went afar to speak with his wife.

"Please don't mind Andy, he is a nice guy. He is just a little straight forward at times".

I just nodded my head and gave her an assuring smile.

Then after sometime Jeni and Andy came back. He still looked at me with cold eyes. I didn't bother. He didn't speak a word to anyone. Then finally we got to go. The doctors checked everything and said she is fit to go now. But, she needs bed rest atlest for a week. Till her hand and leg get better. I signed all the last minute formalities and we left home.

I took her with me in my car and Jack followed us behind. Jeni and Andrew left to their house. The whole way we were silent non of us spoke anything. But it was a comfortable silence. I kept glancing at her in the middle.

Then finally we reached home.

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