Chapter 16

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Michele's POV:

Why do I get so worried if anything happens to Lilly or Ryan? My 'heart goes crazy' if anything happens to them. I just want them to be 'safe and happy.'

I feel a wired kind of sensation when Lilly is around me, when she is close to me, while I hold her in my arms, all these are 'foreign feelings' to me.

And Ryan, ho! I get so 'happy seeing his tooth less smile', hearing his baby words, playing video games with him. I feel like he is my own....

Suddenly my room door knocked bringing me out of thoughts. I got up from my bed and went to open it. Standing there is 'Mum'.

"Hey sweetie! not yet slept?" She asked with a worried face.

"I woudn't have opened the door if I was sleeping!" I stated the fact and we chuckled.

"Is everything alright? Do you need my help?" I asked curiously.

"Actually, I was wanting to ask you something. If you don't mind can we talk?" She asked me politely.

I looked at her strangely but let her in with a nod. We came in and sat at the edge of the bed. 

"Honey, is everything fine with you? you have been zoned out past few days. I have noticed that. Please don't lie to me". She said in a confirmed way.

I just looked at her and everything inside me became weak. After all she is my mother. I leaped and hugged her. 

She hugged me back and started to rub my back wisphering sweet things in my ear. I don't know when tears rolled down my eyes. She then pulled me and wiped my face with her hands. She smile weakly.

"Tell me everything!". She said.

I took a deep breath and narrated the 'whole story'.
At first she was shocked to hear about 'my brake-up'. And then tenssed that I helped a 'unknown girl' so many times, even brought 'her home for two nights'. last she got a 'heart stroke' knowing that I left my job.

"Mum!! speak something". I said looking at her blank face.

"I have no words to say! so much happened and you stayed quit not telling me anything? why did you keep everything inside yourself? Did you not trust your mother?" She asked with pain.

I kept quiet and looked down in guilt.

"Now what are you going to do?" She asked me taking a deep breath.

"About what?" I asked not knowing what she meant.

"Your job?" She asked making her eyes wide.

"Ho! that....Yeah, I have applied in few placeses. Let's see what happens". I said and sighned

"Have you met that women after that day?" She asked gritting her teeth. I knew who she is mentioning.

"No, I have 'not seen her' from then, niether did she bother to call or find out about me". I said with a sad chuckle.

"Good...and you won't year after. That girl, how dare she? So cheap of her! I still can't belive she did something like this just for money? I always hated her attitude, but now even her character' is the same. I'm warning you Michele dare you think about her again I swear, I'll disown you as my son".

Mum looks more furious than me, I only nodded at her words.

"I want to meet Lilly! call her for lunch on sunday". She said now with a smile and patted my cheek.

My lips turned into a bright and huge smile. I hugged her tightly to which she responded.

She left after talking little more about 'Lilly and Ryan'. I told her to make sure Lilly dose'nt be awkward or insure around us. She also listened to me paitently and agreed to everything.

I don't know why 'I'm so excited' that Lilly is coming home to meet 'my parents'. I mean my mother not Nathen, I don't care about him.

I'm happy that my Mum is happy. Tomorrow I will call her in the morning and inform her this 'great news'. With that I driffed to sleep.

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