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And here he thought that Clay, his neighbor, was interesting. He blushes when he sees him, he had a fucking boner when they were in his car and he was driving. His face heats up and he stutters whenever Clay greets him whenever they see each other in the hallway.

It was so fucking confusing.

His thought were interrupted when he hears Dream sighs. "George, we need to talk." George tenses and his heart beats faster, scared of what will happen next. He looks up to see his mask. "Yeah?"

"This whole thing, what we're doing--"

"Do we need to stop?" George cuts him off, the uneasiness in his voice was obvious.

"No, I just-- think, I just think that we should talk about it. I don't wanna stop. I don't care if you want to." George smiles. He closes his eyes and burries his face on Dream's neck.

"Dream, I like you." He whispers.

"George, it's too early for you to say that but I feel the same way. Don't you want to take things slow?" Dream asks and George shakes his head. "I don't want to, I want to know more about you. Please," George pleads, sitting up to straddle Dream's legs. He purposely sits on his groin, earning a hiss from Dream. George was wearing nothing besides the hoodie, and Dream was wearing sweatpants and nothing else. George lets his hands wander off on Dream's chest, going up and arms wrapping around his neck.

Dream feels the plump shape of George's ass grinding at his groin. Dream knew that it was gonna be a long night.

Dream settles the limp body of George on the bed. He just finished cleaning him up. He scooped out the cum and cleaned him out, he wiped George's body so he doesn't smell of sweat and cum. George was just there, letting Dream do all the work because he was so tired, so spent out to even clean himself. He was awake and down from his high. Sober.

Come to think of it, that one time when George woke up after his night with Dream, he was clean, as if nothing happened, the only thing that was messed up with him qas his skin filled with marks. Dream took care of him when he could've just left George there, ass filled and dripping with cum, body covered with semen and sweat, limbs sprawled all over the bed, naked. But no. Dream didn't leave him there, he took care of George as if he was his.

"You can sleep if you're tired, baby, I know you are." Dream says as he climbs on the bed, slipping under the blanket and snuggling with George. He wraps his hands on the waist of the man beside him, burrying his face on George's neck.

"Dream." George calls in this hoarse and almost broken voice. Dream hums, asking him to continue. "I want to know who you are." George continues. Dream chuckles, the vibration from his mouth travels down from the skin of his neck down to his spine, sending all kinds of messages, making his head haywired.

"You'll find out, eventually."

"Dream, what do you think of me?" George asks, and Dream, once again, hums.

"You're a really nice-"

"Oh cut it with the bullshit, masked man. Tell me how do you see me." George cuts him off.

"You're fucking pretty and I want you to be mine." Dream says, pure facts. No printer. George blushed, and even when it was dark and no one could see, Dream knew that his cheeks were red.

"I like you, George, but I promise I'll tell you everything you want to know when I'm ready. I know you can wait until then, my baby." Clay says and kisses George's shoulder.

George remembers.


"Dream, what if-what if I like someone else, but I also like you? I have to sort out my feelings." George jokes.

"Well, who is it? So I know about the competition." Clay answers, going along with the joke.

"They're really attractive and a nice person." Dream smiles at him. "Not really giving me much information, huh. I know you like Clay." Dream says as he pulls George closer, his chest against George's back. George feels the skin against his own, and he blushes. "How do you know Clay?" He asks, interlocking his fingers with Dream's.

"I just do. Now, you go on and sleep. I'll see you again soon, baby."

George was warm, and that warmth made Dream want to stay until the sun shows up. He wanted to stay and see George's morning face, kiss him, make him breakfast and feed him. He just wanted to spend more time with George, but not now. Maybe soon. He's gonna see George anyway. That'll be enough.

As George had fallen asleep, he untangles his body away from George, standing up and fixes the place. He cleans up the mess they made. He sees Nick passed out there and ignores him and just leaves.

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