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Clay bombarded George with texts and calls. Even went far with direct messaging George's friends. It's been days since George went out of his apartment. Clay knows because he always stayed outside his apartment, waiting for George to come out. Clay had talked to Nick, Alex and Bad. But they all replied with the same thing. They haven't talked to George since the maid outfit stream.

Clay doesn't have the heart to burst in George's apartment door but he was so close in doing so. He wants to see George again. He wants to tell George how sorry he was. He wants George to accept him again and go back to Normal. Heck, he'd even quit his job just to make up for the time that they lost. Clay was crazy. For George.

George didn't go out of his room for days. He would, for food and go to the bathroom but he always stayed in his room. He's been secretly in touch with his friends using a different account and he told a few of them what had happened. Mainly Nick and Alex.

Nick was there for him. But Alex? That man never spent a second without being in call with George just to comfort him. Alex told him to just "drop Clay or Dream" and find someone better. Alex had done so many things to cheer George up. The only times where they wouldn't be in a call was when Alex had to stream. They'd be in a call even when George was in the bathroom, Alex would constantly make farting sounds with his mouth that distracted George. They'd be in a call even when Alex was taking an exam, George would crack jokes that also distracted Alex, resulting in an almost fail in Alex's test. Heck, they'd even fall asleep on calls. Alex promised that he'd spend some time with George in the next few days. When he arrives in England.

"Have you eaten today, George?" Alex asks. George was in the kitchen and just got out of bed for the first time on that day.

"I haven't, I'm preparing what to eat now, how about you?" George answers while he struggles to open the peanut butter jar.

"Yeah, I have. What'cha gonna eat?"

"Uhh... God why is this so hard to open--" He blurts out when the jar slipped off from his hands, "I'm trying to make a peanut butter sandwich now but this stupid lid won't come off. Anyway. What exact date are you coming again?"

"Yeah... Just a week and a few days from now. I think... Exactly 11 days from now? I already have everything settled." Alex laughs and continues, "Oh George we're gonna have so much fun."

"I'm excited too," George says, expressing how happy he was that he was about to meet one of his best friends. "Don't forget though, we are gonna meet the others a week after you got here."

"Yeah, I didn't forget, I'm kinda excited to meet the others too. Especially Bad, damn I'm gonna curse at him so many times. Me and Tommy are gonna bond like father and son." Alex exclaims. "Also I was thinking of just renting near your apartment while I'm there. Actually searching up stuff right now."

George was confused. Renting?

"Wait, you're gonna rent? Like AirBnb?" George asks.

"Uh...yeah. I mean hotel to hotel is more expensive so--"

"What I mean is, aren't you gonna sleep in my apartment?" George says in disbelief.

"Oh." Alex was dumbfounded. "Do you want me to stay there in your apartment?" He clarifies.

"Yes! You idiot," George says and smiles and Alex cackles from the other end.

"Damn, you sure?" Alex asks for the last time.

"Yeah, I mean, I live alone and I have a spare room for you."

Alex's following question ticked George off.

"But what about Clay? Dream?"

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