He's Mine part 1 (Curtisson ANGST)

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Sven's POV:

Burt and I have been friends for years. Whenever we hang out we have so much fun my cheeks willl start to hurt and he gives me that big bright smile. I don't remember when it happened, but that was the smile that made me fall in love with him.
I wanted to tell him how I felt but I could never find the right words. I'd play the scenario in my head, I'd write down what I wanted to say to him. And when I figured it out I planned a special day just for the two of us. Instead of having that new leader, Henry Stickmin, interrupt us. Burt seems to like him, but I couldn't care less about the guy. Reginald seems fine with him as well. There's just something about him that I don't trust.

"Ok, Sven. You can do this. Tell him how you feel! He'll accept your confession!" I am syking himself up for the big moment, in the mirror. "Right?" I take a deep breath. I hacked the schedule so Burt and I would have the day off, so I could give him a great time.
"Everything will be fine. You're the only person he smiles at, that has to be a sign. The subtle flirts, maybe? Or those could just be jokes. Actually, I haven't noticed any in a while. What if I'm too late? What if he lost interest!? Was he even interested at all?" I was spiralling on the floor in my cubical when someone hits me on the shoulder, snapping me out of it.
"Svensson. That man cannot reject such a well-written speech." A female in pink says holding papers with my handwriting.
"Oh! Ellie, Carol. When did you get here?" I say looking away from the two women in front of me.
"Not long." Ellie says.
"We heard everything." Carol corrects her.
"Wh- c'mon! I was gonna do something funny." Miss Rose crosses her arms, as Mis Cross kneels down and puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Sven, I've seen the way you two act around each other. I believe that you have nothing to worry about." She lightly smiled.
I do the same. "Thanks." I get up off the floor and brush off my dark-gray t-shirt, an open blue flannel and pale light-blue skinny jeans, then fix my hair. Another deep breath, I turn to the girls "Alright. How do I look?"
"Awe. Like a pretty boy!" Ellie says in a baby-tone.
"Quite dashing, Svensson." Carol compliments.
"Thanks." I blush a little. "Ok. Here I go!" And I leave them to chat in my room as I look for Burt. 'He's not in the liaison quarters, nor the barracks.' I pass by the new chief's cubical and hear muffled noise and laughter. I peek inside, my eye's grow wide and my jaw drops.
There Henry was, with my Burt sitting in his lap! Lips intertwined. I didn't know what to do. I was so angry, I wanted to barge in gun blazing. I was so sad, I wanted to run away crying. I was so shocked, that I just wanted to stare and ask myself "what? Why?" Over and over.
I silently closed the door and turn my back to the wall. Hanging my head, still trying to process what I just saw.
"I... Was too late." I just walked back to my room where the girls had left and got into bed, not even kicking my shoes off. The tears soaked my pillow as I fell asleep.

The next day, I was on my lunch break. I heard people muttering about my behaviour today. "Is Sven ok?" "Did he not get enough sleep again?" "He seems so sad."
I sigh and take another bite of my sandwich. The whole day I've been in this comma-like state. Carol and Ellie tried to ask me how it went, but I just ignored them. I felt like a dead man walking. A zombie. An empty husk of what I once was.
Someone sat beside me, "Hey, Sven. You went ahead before me?" It was burt!
The realization snapped me out of it. "Burt! Oh, sorry. Uh... Just... Not feeling like myself today." I avoid eye contact.
"Yeah. I heard from some folks you've been acting differently today. Is everything ok? Anything you wanna talk about?"
My shoulders stiffen. 'Why do you have to ask me that?' "Nothing's wrong!" I say harshly. "I just didn't get a good night's sleep."
"Jeez. No need to get snippy. I'm just worried about you is all. You're my friend, and I want to help however I can." Burts words broke my heart.
'Friend?' Did I just get friend-zoned?
I then saw Henry Stickmin across the cafeteria looking for someone. I narrow my eyes, I know exactly who he's looking for. Burt.
"Sven?" He is about to touch my shoulder.
"I don't need your help!" I stand up to avoid his hand, nearly making a scene. "I just need some time alone. Maybe some fresh air." I head to the elevator.

Once I'm in, I hit the button for the floor where the teleportation pad is located. But a foot blocks the door from fully closing and the doors reopen.
"Svensson! Just the man I wanted to see. Mind if we have a little chat?" That smug grin of his, it disgusts me.
"Not at all, Sir. What about?" It was taking everything in my power not to rip his vocal chords out so he'd be a mute again.
"Simply curious as to why you were sneeking around my room the other day."
I hide my gasp. He saw me. Slowly, my rage begins to show. "I was looking for Burt."
"Ah yes. You two are as thick as thieves!"
"We are theives. Especially you. Stole the clan, then my... My..." I bite my tongue, but it was too late to hide my crush.
"Your Burt? Well, I didn't see your name on him. Was it on his foot? Cause I saw everything but his feet."
"Why you!" I swing my fist next to his head, denting the wall. "How dare you! He's mine!"
"Not anymore. You never even let him know you loved him. Now he's mine and you were too late."

The doors open just in the nick of time. I ran off crying. I teleport to my apartment in Brooklyn, throwing my hat and clothes wherever and changing into my casual wear. A light-gray hoodie and sky-blue flannel. I head to central park, ditching work and just walking for hours and hours.
After a while, I calmed down. And just listened to the sounds of new york as I walked. I was walking for so long I ended up in a secluded area of the park. Looking up, I saw two men who seem to be wrestling I think.
"Give up Henry!" Says one with orange hair, an army green jacket and red headphones. At the mention of Henry, I dove behind a bush.
"Maybe once you learn how to fly your helicopter right, Charlie!" Stickmin was wearing a lapis-lazuli blue hoodie. Instead of pushing the pilot off of him, he pulled him in closer. I grab my phone, opening the camera app. I take a few pictures when he then kisses this man that isn't Burt.
'He's a pig! Dating MY Burt, then kissing a government soldier?!' I watch as the pilot accepts the kiss, taking more photos.
"I miss you Henry."
"I miss you too, Charles. Please come with me. There's a top hat with your name on it! All you gotta do is say yes."
"I can never join the Toppats! Their criminals. But Hen, there's still a chance for you to do the right thing. Abadon the hat, join me in the gov't!" I knew he was military.
"What has the government ever did for me, hu? I had to steal to pay the bills! But in the Toppat clan, we get whatever we want. And Charlie... I want you."
I quietly snuck away and headed back to the space Station. 'He loves an American soldier?! Then why is he a Toppat? Why is he putting his hands all over Burt!? Does he know? No, how could he know?' I contemplated whether I should show Burt the pictures or not. I need to tell him, but I think the photo's might be too much for him to handle. Maybe I'll sleep on it.

To be continued...

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