CopperRight: A Ruby & A Closet - Part.1

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My name is Reginald Copperbottom. I'm 36 and I'm on my way to a very important mission. That's when I met... him. Leaning, back to the wall and the most stereotypical prospector attire I've ever seen in my life.

They call him 'Rookie'. Appropriate name really since he only joined 3 months ago. Age 37. No one knows his real name and he's not telling. But that doesn't stop him from watching me up'n'down and giving a sly smirk as I get closer.

He pushes off the wall and meets my path. "Oi. You mus' be Reggie."

"Please. Refrain. From calling me 'Reggie', Rookie. It's Reginald. Or copperbottom to you."


"Did I say something funny?" I just met this man and I already don't like him.

"Nah, Nah. It's jus'... You seem to stand out from the rest of the toppats. Almost..." He inspects my umbrella. Wait, when did he get ahold of that!? "...Nerdy."

"Give that back!" I take back my umbrella and close it again. "We have rules here and one of them is to respect your fellow members' personal items! And I'm more a Toppat than you think." He's pushing my buttons. Why? "Now. If you'll excuse me, I have to meet with the Cheif." I circle him, not looking back.

"Lucky me! I was jus' about ta see him myself." He starts following me on my right-hand side.

This better not become a regular thing.

We enter the familiar chambers of Terrance Suave. Papers and wrappers were littered everywhere. Is... Is that an apple core on his desk?!

There he was shining his gold-plated pistol and talking to himself.

"Ahem. Sir?" I cleared my voice, catching his attention.

"Reginald! Good to see you're back. Is Heather ok?" He asked, concerned.

"Yes. No one was there when the fire started."

"And what's insurance giving ya?"

"Not enough to replace everything."

He hummed folding his hand and leaning on his desk. I didn't have to look at the Rookie to tell he was confused.

"Such a shame. It was such a cute little bookshop. Wish I could help." He huffed.

"It's fine, Sir. Just means you can employ me full-time now." I smirk, slightly.

Terrance grins in return. "I see. I bet Heather isn't too pleased."

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her." I hand him the file I've been carrying since I got back to headquarters. "Now. Are you going to tell me what this important mission is that you want me on?"

"Right! Nearly forgot." He stands up and shuffles through some papers and files he left on the pale-red loveseat couch to the left of him. "It's here... Somewhere. Aha!" He pulls out a file as papers fall to the floor.

He needs to get a better grip on sorting these documents.

"A team in Romania has recently unearthed a giant Ruby! Almost 5 feet long! Sources say it's just been cut and polished and awaiting transfer in a storage facility in Main. I want you and Rookie here to 'Reroute' the gem's transfer from a silly little museum to our vault!" Terrance explains with a theatrical sense of dramatic flair that makes me... What's the word? Cringe.

"Yes, Sir." Rookie speaks.

"Wait. Me and... Him?" I point at Rookie and he looks at me, questioning if he should be offended or not. "Is there... Anyone else joining us?"

"Just you two. I already have the clan spread a little thin. I have a team that's even acquiring us a giant plane... Ship... Thing. Anyways, once we have it, headquarters is moving to the sky!"

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