Copperright: A Ruby & A Closet part.3

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Over the next few days, I ended up distancing myself from both Heather and Rookie. Do I choose Heather and a life of peace and screeching children to hide my homosexuality, or do I choose Rookie and the toppats by coming out and facing ridicule?
I mean, Rookie seems pretty openly gay and the others don’t seem to have a problem with it. Would they treat me the same? I constantly asked these questions on loop while I filed reports, and completed missions. I got a few flesh wounds from my careless whirlwind distraction.
“Oi, Reg. Are you alright?” Rookie spoke up out of nowhere; starting me out of my loafers.
“Rookie! I-I’m fine!” I Say, avoiding eye contact and massaging my newest addition to the -that’s gonna leave a mark- gang.
Rookie softly held my cheek up to meet his gaze. “Reg… I’ve heard of how off game you’ve been. I’m worried you’re gonna get y’erself killed out there. What’s bothering ya?” He could see right through me with those dark pine-green eyes of his that sparkled like emeralds.
I remove his hand and hold it to my chest. “Heather’s making me choose between her and the Toppats. I’m afraid if I make a decision, my life's gonna change drastically.”
“Did she find out about the affair?”
“No. It doesn’t seem like it.” I sigh. “Is it… hard? being openly gay?”
“uh… Well, sometimes I guess. Judgmental stares and the occasional Christian trying to pray the gay away. But so far, nothing like that here.” He paused, taking note of my awkward and timid behaviour. “You shouldn’t worry about what others think of you, because once you’re true to yourself, I swear you’ll feel a lot better about yourself.”
“Are you sure? Even with the guilt of marrying a woman, I can’t even love?”
There were a few seconds of silence.
“I’m not sure I’d be able to answer that, but…”
“I’ll see you later, Rookie.” I begin to retreat back into my shell as I walk away until he grabs the cuff of my coat arm.
“Wait! Reggie. I get it, ok? Coming out is a hard thing to do but I know you will feel better. And I promise I would do anything to protect you from any homophobes that even try to discourage you. I love you.” Rookie leans in to kiss me and gets a peck in before I pull away.
“I… I- can’t. I got to go. Goodbye.” I power walk down the hall. Only looking back as I turn the corner; catching his heartbroken expression, standing there.
Tears swell up in my eyes as I could feel something breaking inside me. Is this what heartbreak feels like?

A few hours later, I return home and hop in the shower before Heather sees me. “I’m sorry, Rookie.”
Getting out and drying myself off I hear Heather come through the front door. “Oh! Reginald! You’re home early. and you had time for a shower?”
“Yeah,” I say approaching her and wrapping my arms around her waist, giving her a sweet kiss.
“Oh my! What was that for?”
“Just felt like it, dear. I’ve decided to quit as soon as we’re approved for that orphanage. I love you.” I was lying through my teeth. Feeling nauseous as I said it.
“I love you, too.” Heather meant it. I know she did. I guess I made my choice.
That night, we made love. But I couldn’t stop picturing the Rookie under me. I tried to push him out of my head, but his image was the only thing that made me stomach this act I was doing unto the woman I’ve called ‘my wife’ for years. I bit my lip to stop myself from calling ‘his’ nickname and once she fell asleep, I laid awake, regretting my choice.

A week goes by. Heather went to brunch and shopping with her friends while I went down to the courthouse to ask for divorce papers and wrote a letter, explaining myself.
I’m a scumbag. A lowly worm! Am I really doing this?! I added a sort of prenup, giving her full custody of the house, everything in it and the money she needs to start her own Orphanage.
I sign my name on the dotted line, pack up my things and leave before she gets back.

Dear Heather,
I’m sorry it’s come to this. I never wanted to hurt you. But I’ve been hiding a huge secret from you since the day we met. Every moment with you was lovely, but I’m afraid I was never truly in the moment. I’ve deceived you for too long and it has to end. I could never love you as you did me, for I’ve never been attracted to women. Fear has kept me from telling you the truth and I hate telling you this way, But I’m -I- -I’m-ga- -I’m-a-homo- a criminal in over 51 countries and being a Toppat has opened me up to a world of possibilities to live an exciting life and even love someone else that has been teaching me to be who I am. I have already signed the divorce papers for you and left you everything you may need for your Orphanage. Words cannot describe my apologies so this is the best I can do. May you live a long and prosperous life without me. Maybe even meet a man who could give you what I couldn’t. Goodbye, Heather.
~Reginald Copperbottom.

“Go back!” the voice in my head says. “Tell her to her face, you coward!”
I am a coward. But I don’t think I can say it. Not yet. There’s only one person I want to say it to.

I make it to the Toppat base and head straight to the chief's office. “Sir. I’m back and here to stay.”
“Reginald! I’m… glad to hear that,” says Terrance.
“ Do you know where I could find Rookie?” I asked and his face fell as if he wasn’t expecting my question.
“You haven’t heard? Rookie’s in critical condition after last night’s heist. He took three bullets to the chest.”
my face went pale.”What? Is he ok?”
“Last I heard, the surgery was successful, but he lost a lot of blood. I’m not sure if he’s gonna make it.”
“Where Is he?! I need to see him!”
“Easy now. He’s being treated at the local Hospital. Here’s his room number.” Suave hands me a slip of paper.
“Thank you.” I nodded and bolted down the hall to the garage.

I was driving recklessly through the streets but managed to make it to the hospital in one piece. Rushing through, ignoring anyone that tried to stop me.
I got up to a nurse's desk and asked, “I’m looking for a…”I looked at the slip of paper and saw he was using an alias. “Graham Tuskson? Room 108.”
The nurse looked at her clipboard. “Are you family?”
“Uh, not exactly. I’m Reginald Copperbottom. I work with him.”
“Reginald? Like Reg? Come with me, sir. Mr.Tuskson has been calling for you.” She leads me down the hallway.
He’s been calling for me? I feel my face getting hot and sweaty from the nervousness.
there he was. Hooked up to a bunch of tubes, wires, bags and machinery.
“oh… Rookie. I’m here. Dear, can you hear me?” I stand to the side of his bed and watch his eyes flutter open. Tears begin forming, “I’m so so sorry, dear. I’m-”
“I’m glad to see you.”
I laugh through a hiccup. “Me too. Because I choose you. I’m done hiding. I’m gay! I’m gay and I love you so much!”
He pulled me into a hug and I tried not to hurt his chest. “I love you so much too, ya big nerd.” We shared a tender kiss and I heard a mix of yuck’s and aww’s, but it didn’t bother me like I thought it would. Because I had him. My precious ruby. My… boyfriend.


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