Frustrations aftermath (panprice)

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(Part 2 of stickpa)

I'm bolting through the corridors, gunning down every Toppat in my way. The general finaly gave us the mission to storm the Toppats headquarters which is where I just knew my Dave would be. I had already raided the vacant dungeon. So he must be somewhere else.
I grabbed a door handle and flew it open seeing him craddled in the Toppat king's lap. He was fondling him all over while his hands were bound. He even put one of those filthy top hat's on him! They weren't even aware that I was in the room until Dave cracked open his eyes and gasped.
"Rupert!" He exlaimed in relief. "Ah!" Stickmin bites his neck and I curl my hand into a tight fist.
"Oh look. Your precious 'prince' is here to 'save' you." Henry says as cocky as he could.
"Rrrruru... Help me!" He begs as if he needs to. My bloods already boiling, ready to rip his dick off with just my hand.
The Toppat scoffs, "Too little too late I'm afraid, li'l Panda. You're part of the Toppats now. You're mine."
"LET HIM GO!" I charge with the force of a thousand bulls. Henry pulls out a pistol and aims at my head.
"NO!" Dave deflects the bullet by forcing Stickmin's arm up and I'm able to get a clear shot.
Right in the kisser sends him flying back and I catch Dave with my other arm. "Stay away from my Dave!"
The Toppat King huffs, "And what if I don't?"
I set Dave down and proceeded to give him a beating his ancestors would feel. Finishing with an uppercut to his crotch.
Stickmin writhes in pain while I catch my breath.
"I'm ok, Dave." Standing up straight I add, "Henry Stickmin. Under the authority of the US government, I hearby place you under arrest." I call for back up through a walkie-talkie, then turn my attention to Dave; removing the chains on his wrists and carrying him out of the building bridal style. I notice his cheeks turning red. "Are you ok?" I ask him.
He nods "I'm ok now. Thank you, Rupy. What can I ever do to repay you?"
"You don't have to do anything, Davey. Just... Don't ever disappear like that ever again. I don't know what I'd do if you..." I didn't notice I was crying untill Dave wiped my tears away. I couldn't stop myself and we met in the middle. Kissing as I carried him out.
"Good work, Rupert. We got em. And you rescued your friend I see." The general tipped his hat. "I've heard quite a bit about you, Mr.Panpa. Our medical team can take a look at you. Make sure you receive any treatment to afflictions the Toppat may have given you. Price?"
"Yes, Sir!" I take him over to the medics.
They took him back to base for examination while we finished gathering up the Toppats.

Late at night, I'm finally able to see him again.
"Hey, Dave! How was your checkup?" I ask.
"It was ok. They set me up with a psychologist to help with the... Uh... Non-consensual stuff Stickmin put me through." He rubbed his arm and I lightly pulled him into a hug.
"I won't let anyone like that come near you ever again. I promise. I love you, Dave. I never got the chance to tell you. I love you"
He tightly hugs back "I love you too, Ruru!" We look over to the sunset as it falls under the horizen. "Ruru? Can I... Stay the night at your place? I don't want to be left alone tonight."
I give him a gentle grin, "ofcourse. You can stay as long as to like. Want me to order pizza?"
He responds with a nod. "Pepperoni and bacon?"
"I was thinking meat lovers."
"Ha ha! That works too."
And with that, I walk him to my car to head home for the night.

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