Copperright: A Ruby & A Closet part.2

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CRASH!!! The car goes through a construction sign and up a pile of dirt as following police vehicles stop before falling into the sewer pit below.

"WOO! BLOODY HELL! This is the most exciting mission I've ever been on!" I shout holding onto the ruby while Rookie drives.

"Told ya ye'd be better off with me!" Rookie hoots as he shifts gears and loses the cops in a matter of seconds.

A few missions later, the two of us just finished another heist. We hid our car deep in the forest to make sure the cops were off our trail, then found a clearing to lay down and gaze at the stars.

"And see that one? That's Ursa major." I point to a cluster of stars.

"Blimey. You sure know a lot about space." He compliments.

"Thanks. I've read quite a lot of books on the matter. Learned how to read star charts from my father. He was a sailor. Navigation. I've never gotten lost at night because of it."

"Not many stars to see in the city though. But they were beautiful, back on the ranch." Rookie went silent after that.

I leaned up on my arm to look at him, "Do you ever miss home?" I ask.

"Yeah." Was his reply.

"I wish I could help."

"No need to worry 'bout that though. I got a new path in life. I could get stuck in the past or instead, I can live in the present and be grateful that I'm still kick'n strong." He smiles as gently as a firefly.

I don't notice myself leaning toward him. "That's very zen of you. Maybe I misjudged you when we first met."

"And what did you think of me before, may I ask"

"Oh, maybe a bit… unruly, obscure, boorish… dare I even say… animalistic, almost." A gentle shyness seeps out into my words.

"Oh, you haven't seen animalistic, yet." His voice echoes a seductive tone and I don't realize how our lips meet for a few seconds that felt like a minute.

I backed up, eyes wide with fear. "O-Oh my goodness! What did I just do!? I'm sorry, I…"

"Hey. Relax. No one will know what we do out here."

"I would."

"And isn't it a rush?" We kissed again. He weighs me down into his lips.

"Ah. Rookie, I can't… I have a wife!"

"But you don't seem happy about it. Do you love her?"

I'm at a loss for words. What should I say?

"Tell me you love her, and I'll stop." He leans down, suckling my neck.

"I…" moans of pleasure stop me from speaking a lie. I don't. I never did and I feel like a horrible person for thinking this way. But at this moment, I feel a bliss I've never felt before.

I feel his hands unbuttoning my vest, then my dress shirt. All of a sudden his hands caress my chest as he trails down with kisses. His knee grinds my boner and I grip around his ponytail. "So what do you say? Should I?"

I gulped and nodded, "Do it… Please."

"So polite. Just for that, I'll be good to you." And with that, I had an affair with a man.

I never experienced such strong emotions! And he was amazing. I can't believe I ever hated him.

We fell asleep in the back seat of the car, and when I woke up it was morning. I looked down at Rookie lying peacefully underneath me. All the fear of exposure flooded back to me. I slept with a man. A male! I have a wife! I just had an affair! What if she finds out? I can never show my face to society again!

A waking groan came from Rookie, freezing my panic. "Morn'n, Reg." A flash of his smile calmed me completely.

I grin back, "Good morning, Rookie." Climbing out of the car to stretch, I look at the clear pink and purple sky as the sun begins to rise. "We should have woken up sooner. We're late to the drop site."

"Ah, it's fine! Like those sticks care what us field agents do." He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

I could feel my heart beating faster. "Even so, it's our job to be punctual. Timing is everything for a thief."

"Ha ha! Yeah, guess y'er right." Rookie backs off and I'm able to face him. "Look, I know you said y'er married 'n all… but… I really like you. I'm good with keeping this a secret if you're not ready to come out. So, Reginald?" He takes off his hat, "Do you wanna go out with me?"

I thought for a moment. I do want to go out with him. However, my marriage… and if anyone finds out! I can't help but picture the Toppats burning me at the stake like some kind of witch. On the other hand, just looking at Rookie makes me feel safe and the thrill of a secret relationship is… intoxicating.

"Alright. I'll go out with you. But we must keep it a secret." I hope this isn't a mistake. We kiss once more before getting in the car and driving off with our spoils.


I had the next day off, so I was going through bills and a few chores around the house.

"Haven't seen you at the table in a while."

"Heather! Yes, I thought you were with the girls for tea."

"Thallia wasn't feeling too good and Eileen got a surprise shift at the boutique." My wife gave me a peck on the cheek and sat in the chair on the left. "But I'm glad to see you. I've been thinking. I know you loved your bookstore and it's a shame that it burnt down. However, what if we use the money from insurance and start foster care? You know, like an orphanage!"

She actually caught me off guard, this woman. "Foster care? Us? Heather, you know my involvement with the Toppat's. Taking care of children would just put them in danger." My main reason being more selfish than what I said. I can't see myself being a good role model to children especially since my affair… I swear she can smell Rookie on me.

"That's the best part, darling! You wouldn't have to work for them anymore. You can quit the Toppats. No more shady jobs and questionable missions. We can get back to a normal life." Says Heather, holding my hand.

Quit the Toppats? I… I don't know if I could. I shake her hand off, "Please, I'm trying to get these bills in order."

"Sorry." Silence. That's bad. She always goes silent when she's upset.

I sigh, "Look. Once I get these affairs -er- you know, the settlement with the bookshop in order, then we can talk about a new career for us. Alright?" Flashing her a gentle grin lifts her spirits.

"Ok. I can't wait. How about I make us some tea to help move the paperwork along?" Heather stands up and turns toward the counter.

"Sounds lovely, sweetheart."

I'm a terrible person. Heather has always been supportive of me (except about the Toppats) and I'm sleeping with someone else?! She doesn't deserve this. She should love some other guy and yet… without her, people may question me. Like my aunt before I met Heather. 'When are you planning to settle down?' 'Do you have a girlfriend?' 'You're mother would've wanted grandkids by now if it wasn't for her illness.' A low blow that last one.

Am I really just using her as a shield to hide who I am? I hate to say it, but yes. She's a very intelligent and headstrong woman who doesn't need me to stab her in the back like this. She makes a great teachers aid at the local schoolhouse and she loves helping the children grow and learn. She should have an orphanage of her own.

I'm scared though.

All my life I was different, and had to pretend to be something I'm not. Someone my family and society could respect. But I've always been alone. Until Rookie found me and pulled me out of my closet, just for a moment. I count the minutes until he does it again.

I feel so at war with myself! Do I stay with my wife and quit the Toppats to open an orphanage with her? Or do I follow my heart and sell my soul to the clan for keeps, leaving her behind in the process?

To be continued…

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