The Charity Ball (Stickvin Fluff)

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Claira's POV:

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Claira's POV:

I land inside a familiar living room, white feathers behind me fluttering. "Finally I can visit my son! Wait, why am I in Ronald's house?" Looking around, my eyes land on him. "Harriot!" I float over to him. Sadly he can't see me since I'm just an angel. But I see him. "Look at you! You've grown up to be a fine young man! You look just like your father."
My son looks nervous fidgeting with a little box in his hands. He quickly exhales. "OK. Today's the day. I... I can do this! Mom... Please be with me tonight."
"Of course my dear I'll be right here with you from now on," I say. Even if he can't see or hear me.
He opens the little box taking another look at the gold ring inside.
I squeal for joy! "You have a girlfriend!? Omg! I can't wait to meet her!"
"HEY, HENRY! HAVE YOU SEEN MY COMB?" A male voice shouts from the top floor.
"Henry?! Wait. Don't tell me Clairence actually renamed you."
Henry quickly hides the ring box and responds "Top drawer on the left, under the sink!"
Henry sits on the couch, smiling. "Almost 2 years... heh. Plus those 3 years of being friends. I think this ring may be overdue. I hope he says yes."
"HE!?" I shouted in surprise. But calm down once I realize how blissful my boy looks. "Well... as long as he makes you happy, Harriot."
The boy from upstairs strolls down and Henry stands up.
"Is that... Ronald's baby? Wow." I talk to myself.
Charles was suited up in a tight red vest with a black dress shirt and big red headphones.
"Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry." Henry kept averting his gaze.
"Uh... Hen?"
"Yes, Daddy?" He smiled as he began to drool.
"Harriot Nathaniel Galeforce! Compose yourself!" I reacted at little too much there. But can you blame me?! The last time I saw my boy, he was a baby. Now he's a full-grown man, drooling over Hubert's friend's son!
Charles "Babe, are you ok?! Oh no! Did I break you?" He approached Henry, cupping his face into his hands. "Dad, I think I broke Henry! What do I do?" He spoke into his headset.
Henry snapped you of his daze. "Wait, you're on a call with... Hey, dad!"
"You talking to me or Charlie?" The muffled voice of Hubert speaks through the headset.
Henry turns red with embarrassment "Y-You."
I hear Hubert snicker. "Well, hey yourself, son. When will you be getting here? The ball's going to start soon."
"Henry just needs to get dressed and we'll be there within an hour at most," Charles answered.
"Roger that. See you soon."
"Bye." Hubert hangs up.
"Well, now dad knows I got issues." Henry nuzzles into Charlie's neck, making the ginger giggle.
"It's not that bad. I'm pretty sure he'll understand if you tell him..."
"About my shameful past as a stripper? I don't know."
A stripper?! My baby was a stripper!?
"What if he... what if he changes his mind about me? And disowns me and forbids me from being with you?" Henry wrapped his arms around Charles's waist, and he returned the hug, speaking in a soothing voice.
"Henry. That would never happen. Hubert's been nothing but supportive of us both for years. Especially when we discovered you're his long-lost son! He's so happy to have you back in his life. And I'm so happy you're in mine, too."
"I'm so glad I met you, Charles."
"I'm glad too, Hen." They shared a tender kiss. "You're suit's waiting on the bed, by the way. Hurry and get changed."
"Alright. I shouldn't be long. I've worn corsets before."
"Dude, how thin did you have to look for those perverts?" Charles joked, making Henry chuckle.
"Love you." Henry went upstairs.
"Love you, too!" Charles responded.

Henry yanked the strings that decorated his spine and tied them together. Admiring the white, gold and diamond blue outfit chosen for him. "Ellie certainly has style."
He heads downstairs and they get into a dark green car.
"So who raised him if Hubert... Did Clairence... Did he even feed him?! He's so thin! Oh, next time I see him I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!" I rant at myself as I sit in the back of their car and sigh. "Well, I'm here now. And you don't have to worry anymore. I love you, my son." I try to fix his hair. But my hand just passes through him. Another sigh. "I wonder what happened to Ronald and his wife. Sounds like Hubert's been raising Charles."
They arrive at the hotel that's hosting the party as they head up to the roof.
"Henry! Charles! I see the suits fit." A red-haired girl in a rosepetal mermaid dress approached us.
"Yeah. Thanks, El! You should've seen the look on Henry when I stepped out." Charles teased, getting a little flustered look from Henry.
"Let me guess. Daddy? Sorry. Daddy? Sorry..."
"How did you-!?"
"Galeforce had you on speaker." El laughed at the blushing boy.
Henry hid his face in his hands "Noooo."
"Oh, Don't worry. Only me, him and Cal heard it."
Henry, "Phew."
El, "Oh, and Konrad."
Henry, "Damn it."
El, "Relax. It'll be fine. Now come on! There's a photographer taking pictures for the event!"
"Whoa! Easy Ellie! I just had my jacket pressed." Charles whined as she pulled them towards their group.
Two blonde twins waved at them. "Hey! You finally made it." One of them said as Ellie wrapped her arms around him.
"Hey Konrad, Calvin. How long have you been here?" Charles asks.
"About 2 hours before the party. Our team was helping with decorations. Where were you, Daddy?" Konrad teased.
Both Charles and Henry went pink in the face. "C-Can you not?" Mumbled Henry.
"Please. Only Henry can call me that." The ginger's comment made Henry blush even more.
The twins and red-haired girl laugh hysterically.
"Alright. Alright. Now get over there and get your picture taken! And make it good." Ellie pushed them towards the photographer's set-up.
"This kinda feels like prom." Charles quotes.
"I wouldn't know. I didn't go to prom." Henry retorted.
"You didn't?! Why?"
"It wasn't my style. Plus, I didn't have a date or friends to go with."
"Well then. Let's make this night, one to remember!" Charles beamed and Henry returned it with a smirk and a peck to the cheek.
"Sounds good."
They stood in front of a green backdrop as if they were professional models in a magazine shoot.
But as Charles looked at the camera Henry snuck out the ring box and opened it slightly as the photographer snapped their picture.
Henry swiftly put the box back into his pants pocket as they rested from the pose.

They hung out with their friends, and as the night went on I was eagerly waiting for my son to propose. Hubert didn't seem to know what our son was planning, but I'm so glad to see them both again. Happy and healthy.
Charles and Henry were dancing their hearts out to the DJ's music.
"Charles. It's like a dream to have you in my life. You saved me from going down a dark path and... All I want to do is be by your side, through thick and thin." Henry spoke before spinning around and sliding onto one knee.
"Henry, I..." Charles gasped when he realized what his boyfriend was doing. Staring at the Gold and Emerald ring in a tiny blue box that Henry was holding up.
"That's why I wanted to ask..." Henry took a deep breath as the DJ faded the music and all eyes were on them. "Charles Calvin? Would you make me the happiest Ex-thief in the world... And... Marry me?" Henry trembled, smiling and tearing up.
Charles began to do the same. "YES! OH MY GOD! YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!" He dove into Henry's arms as the party cheered and whistles for the happy couple.
They shared a hyper, tear-stained kiss before Henry slips the ring onto Charles's finger.
"That's my boys!" Shouted Hubert and Ellie.
The rest of the night, their friends kept congratulating them.
Hubert couldn't stop tearing up. "I'm so proud of you boys!" He hugged the two tightly and they hugged back. "Don't worry. I'm going to help as much as I can with the wedding plans!"
"It's OK, dad! You don't have to." Henry says.
"But I do. Since your mother... And your parents too, Charlie... Oh, they'd be so proud of you both!"
"Thanks, dad!" Charles sniffs.
"Yeah... Thanks." Henry says.
"Man, there's gonna be so much planning. When are you thinking of having the wedding?" Ellie asks.
Charle and Henry look at each other and nod.
"M-Maybe late summer or early fall? But, we can take our time." Charles answers.
"And El, I'd love it if you could be my maid of honour," Henry says, causing the red-head to squeel.
"You can count on me, bro!" Ellie nearly yells in excitement.
"Well, this has already been a night to remember." Charles giggles while Henry sat in his lap. "I just wish I could've been to one to ask. I ordered the ring like a month ago and it keeps getting delayed!"
"Really?" Henry asked in slight shock.
"Mh, hm."
Henry kissed his fiancé "Well when it gets here you can still ask me, hun."
"Mnnh, it's not the same!" Charles whined and everyone laughed including himself.
"I love you, Char."
"I love you too, Hen."


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