Curtisson & Toppat-Neo part.4

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(Writers note: I had some inspiration to finish this chapter. Though, I forget if I made Toppat-Neo's base of operations an air ship or not. So now to be clear it's a simple, old and refurbished call-center. Enjoy!)

6 weeks have passed since I saw both Reginald and Clemintine. I'm glad to know they will be spared once the govt begins its move. Every week, I find a way to drop info into the lap of that annoying govt pilot. So far no one knows what I've been up to, but I fear it may come to light, as the gov't has been more active lately.
Carrying original documents toward the command room for chief Carol, it looks as if I've not slept in days due to night terrors, when a familiar mustache catches my consciousness, waking me up from this like morgue state. "Reg..."
"Ah... H-Hey Svenson," says Reginald.
"What happened? Wait Where's right? Is he... Ok?" I panicked, but reg held my shoulders quieting any frantic questions.
"Don't worry he's just... Getting a few adjustments." Reginald's expression told the blonde that he was holding back a lot of pain and fear.
"And the ranch?"
"..." Copperbottom refused to make eye contact. "Everything will be fine Sven, my boy."
"It was Clemintine wasn't it-"
"no!" reg cut me off, "It was this... Noél, lady, and some rocker guy I can't remember his name. They found us and... Well... Gave us 'the' choice."
"the same one they gave me?"
"more or less. Right tried to fight but was badly hurt. I got a doctor treating him. She owed me a favor." reg explained. "clemintine seemed to be adjusting and was connecting with the horses well."
"heh. Horses eh? At least she's connecting to something other than Cross." A twinge of malice seeped out at the mention of that woman.
"what about Ms.Cross?" Leprechaun popped out from behind me, causing a near cardiac arrest. "You should watch your tongue about the chief around here."
"R-r-right! Ahem, s-sorry. You scared me to bits there, Leo." I attempted composure.
"Apologies. Anyway, you better hurry with those reports. The Chief is not a merciful woman." Leo said ominously, then through in a peppy "byeee!" and sauntered off.
"He's changed," Reg says.
"tell me about it. I'll see ya later, Sir."
Reginald nods. "please just call me Reginald."
I nod back and continue down the corridor.

"Svenson! Finally, you're here." Carol snatches the files from the boy. "perfect. Stay close, Sven. We're putting the finishing touches on your next mission. As for the rocket are there any salvageable resources for that?"
"wait, you're planning on picking up the old space station plans? But you were against the idea when it was first discussed." I stated. Just the thought of that blasted project made me relive the images given via contact with the T3-Nsion sapphire as well as my own failure in this timeline due to Stickmin.
Cheif Carol shut the files and huffed, "at the time, yes. However, I've thought about it and figured this was the perfect time for such a project. Now, off with you. We'll fetch someone for you when your mission is ready."

As I made my way to the cafeteria, I thought of ways I might be able to warn the govt without being caught. Bumping into Reginald was all that could snap me out of it. "Reginald! Sorry about that."
"Oh, no worries, Sven. I just got a call from my doctor friend and Right is all better. He'll be stopping by in a bit. Care to join us?"
"sure. Might as well apologize to him too." I attempted to mask it like a sarcastic joke, but it wasn't convincing.
Reg placed his hand on my shoulder again, "You must stop blaming yourself, Sven. It was bound to happen sooner or later. There is good to come out of it. Before you called I thought the Johnsons were all the family I had. And I don't just mean Clemintine."
"You mean it?" I asked.
"Of course, Sven. We consider both you and Burt to be family. You remind me of when I was young. A leader behind the mask of a sheep. Never doubt your intuition, my boy."
"Thanks. I... I needed to hear that." I look around to make sure no one can listen in. "I just hope Stickmin can stop these guys."
"Stickmin?" Reg looked at me, confused.
"Stickmin. Henry Stickmin. He's the feild agient that got you and the Toppats arrested a few years ago." I leaned back on a wall; revolted by my weeknes and helplessness. "If he did it once, he can do it again. Just... Have your family ready to bail when I give the signal. Ok? I don't want you guys to get wrapped up in the fight."
"Does this Henry Stickmin know it's you?"
"No." I could hear the sound of footsteps approaching and pushed off of the wall. "Not a word about this to anyone. If I text you a skull emoji, run."
Reg gives a nod and we head over to the docking bay to wait for Right.

Nearly half an hour passes before a black van pulls in and out steps Right Hand, with metal boots, a full robotic arm, and half his face coated in a thin sheat of steal. One eye was replaced with a red sensor light.
Right and Reg shared an embrace with their daughter, while I could only take note of every bolt on RHM's face and arm.
"Dr.Vin fixed you up good. How does it feel?"
"still get'n use to the calibrations. How's Cross at being a Cheif?"
"You don't wanna know. Right, it's been to long." I jumped in, extending my hand for greating.
"Svenson! Ah, come here." Right pulls my into an all-too-familiar back-crackling bear hug.
"can't... Breath..."
Right lets go and dust's off my suit. "Heh sorry about that. It's just so nice to see you again."
"Same. I just wish it was under better circumstances." I said after catching my breath.
"No matter what challenges we may face, we got eachothers back; just so you know, Sven." Raginald asures me.
"Yeah. Thanks, guys."

To be continued...

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