Daddy's Home! (A T3Nsion short)

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Charles and Henry were going through preparations for their wedding in the next two weeks.

"I'm gonna get lunch ready. Want pizza pockets?" Charles asked, standing up.

"Sure, babe," Henry responded, picking up the calculator to triple-check some numbers.

The pilot headed into the kitchen and put 4 pizza pockets on a plate, setting them in the microwave for 3 minutes.

All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. Charlie approached the handle and pulled it open to see a ginger-haired old man with a scruffy beard and a torn suit.

"Hel-" Slam! Open, "-lo!" Slam!

Charles couldn't believe his eyes. Could it really be?

"Who's at the door?" Shouts Henry from the living room.

Charles didn't answer and opened the door one more time, slowly. "Dad?"

Mr.Calvin smiled, "Charles, my boy."

Charlie leapt into his father's open arms, squeezing him as tight as he could, "Oh my god, Dad! I thought you died!"

His dad chuckled in relief, holding onto his son for dear life, "Being stranded in the Bermuda Triangle would do that." He pulled away to get a good look at Charlie's face. "Oh, look at you. Such a fine young man you've turned out to be. I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long. Not a day went by where I didn't think of getting back to you."

"He nearly drove himself mad a couple of times when the rafts didn't work." Says another man in shambles standing behind them.

"Who's this?" Asked Charlie.

The man introduced himself, "You can call me Rick. Ronald and I were the only survivors from the crash."

"I see. Thank you for helping bring my father back. And just in time too! Oh, where are my manners? Please! Come in both of you!" Charles guides Ronald into the living room, with Rick following behind. "Henry! You'll never believe this! I'd like you to meet my dad, Ronald Calvin."

"Your dad?!" Henry quickly stood up to greet him. "It's... wonderful to meet you, sir."

"Sir? I haven't been called that in 20 years! Please, call me Ron. You look just like a friend of mine." Ronald examined his hair and eyes.

"That's one way to put it. Dad, this is Henry. Hubert's long-lost son. Aka, Harriot." Says Charles.

"Well, I'll be... where is Hubert anyways"

"He should be getting back from work any minute now. He's been helping us with preparations." Henry responded.

Mr.Calvin looks confused at his son, "Preparations? For what?"

"For our wedding! Oh! We're gonna have to move some seating arrangements around."

"You're getting married!? When!? Who's the lucky girl?" His dad asked, beaming with the iconic Calvin smile.

"Yeah. In two weeks. And... well..." Charles stepped over to Henry and they held each other's hands. "Henry is my fiancé."

Ronald's smile disappeared and was replaced with shock; causing Charles's smile to start drooping. "You're... gay?"

"Uh... y-yeah. Henry makes me happy and... I can't imagine my life without him."

Henry squeezed Charlie's hands a smidge tighter, knowing exactly why Ronald is reacting like this.

Mr.Calvin was silent for nearly a whole minute. He took a deep breath and smirked gently. "As long as he makes you happy, son. That's all that matters to me."

Charles and Henry grin in relief. "Now, It's been a long trip, and I seem to forget where the bathroom is."

"This way." Charles guides him upstairs.

Henry stops smiling. "What about you?" He addresses Rick. "What's your name?"

"Rose. Rick Rose. I honestly didn't expect that reaction from Ronald. No need to worry about me. In truth, I'm Omni."

"Ok." Henry processed the name, "Wait, Rose?" Mr.Rose nodded. "Do you have a family too?"

"Yeah. A wife and twins. I hardly ever got to see them because of work. That's gonna change. As soon as I track them down I'll do everything I should have done years ago." Rick said.

"I don't suppose one of your kids is a girl named Ellie?" Henry asked hesitantly.

"Yes. You know her?"

Before Henry could respond, "knock, knock, knock! Guys, why'd ya leave your door open? Oh! You have a guest." In walks the red-dyed-haired girl and gray-haired general.

The two Rose's lock eyes.



"Henry? What's going on?" Galeforce spoke up.

"A few surprise reunions," Henry responded as the Calvin's climbed down the stairs.



"It's so good to see you again, bud." The two old friends embrace.

"You too, man. I thought you had died all those years ago."

Rick stepped toward Ellie and she stepped back. "Where have you been all these years? Why did you leave me?" Ellie was still hurt when it came to her family.

Rick could tell how much she went through after he disappeared. "It's a long story, rosebud. We'll tell you guys everything once we take a seat. Alright?"

Ellie nodded and they all went into the living room as Henry grabbed some cold water and cups.

To be continued in "the Tale of Rick'n'Ronald"...

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