Part Four - 1907

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"Come on Tom! It's New Years' fucking Eve, the others will be wondering where we are!" Sarah groaned as she waited for him to lock up Charlie's yard.

Tommy shook his head and laughed at her
"No, they'll all be sat outside the Garrison, three bottles of whiskey deep."

"Yeah, and I should be drinking that fucking whiskey!" Sarah said as they started walking up to the garrison

"Do you think your father will be annoyed if you come home drunk?" He teased her, knowing full well that Dennis Crawford will be passed out by the time she gets back unless he already is passed out somewhere,

"Fuck knows! Look there they are." She pointed to her brother and his friends as they made their way over

"Where you two been then?" Freddie Thorne asked as he smirked at them both.

Sarah took the bottle out of his hands and took a swig, her throat burnt as she drank it. "Charlie's yard." She managed to say as Arthur swayed over to them

"Right, well then Trouble, once Ada's back it's your turn to grab some more booze," Arthur told her with a pointed finger.

"Why me?"

"You're small enough to get in and out." Tommy and Sarah more or less shared a bottle to themselves so that they could catch up with the others, it was only once she sat down that she realised Ada still wasn't back, "Oy Arth, how long has Ada been gone?"

He scanned the rest of the group before shrugging, Sarah's eyes widened as she smacked him hard against the chest, "Ow! Calm down, she probably gone home with Pol or something." He said as he rubbed his chest.

Sarah sighed and went round the back of the garrison to sneak in, but she jumped back in shock when Ada came out carrying multiple bottles full of alcohol "Rum and Whiskey! Very good Ada, your brothers and I taught you well." She laughed as Ada took off to the others excitedly

"Look, Tommy!" She shouted as she zoomed past him, barely letting him get a look at what she had in her hands. He shook his head at her and laughed

"How come you're back here?" Sarah smiled and folded her arms,

"Came to help you." He said as he lit the cigarette between his lips.

Sarah whipped it out of his mouth and glared at him "It's bad for you, Thomas."

"So are a lot of things." He smirked as he tried to pull it out of her hands, she playfully ran away from him waving it in the air until her back ended up hitting a wall. Tommy now had her cornered, and although she tried to hide the cigarette behind her back, he managed to steady his hand around her waist, moving his other hand to the bottom of her back so that he could get it. Sarah felt butterflies in her stomach as she realised their bodies were pressed against each other. Tommy's heart pounded, and he ended up dropping the cigarette as he rested his head against hers. Although they had a close relationship this was the closest their bodies had ever actually been to each other, Sarah could feel the heat of his body radiate against hers. Tommy slowly lifted her chin so that he could make eye contact with her, as up until that point she had been staring at her feet.



"Can...can I kiss you?"
It was dark, so he didn't know for sure, but he could have sworn that the girl had blushed at his question. Sarah moved her lips close to his before he closed the gap. Their kiss was short as they both pulled away to see each other's reactions, when they both smiled they started laughing, Tommy leant in again, but their moment was interrupted by a loud gasp, it was Ada.

"Oh my god! Tommy and Sarah are kissing! Cain, Arthur! Their kissing."

Sarah sighed and let her head rest on Tommy's shoulder whilst he turned his head around and told his sister to 'Fuck off' but it was too late because the others had come down to see what was going on. Cain and Tommy were friends, but he worried what his reaction would be about the fact that he had just been caught kissing his little sister.

Cain looked them both up and down before he burst out laughing "Arthur, you owe me money, my friend!" He said nudging his best friend. Arthur grumbled as he reached into his pocket.

"Money?" Sarah asked confused

"Yeah, we all have a bet going on to see when you'd eventually get on with-"

"Wait!" Freddie shouted as he ran over to the two of them "Who kissed who first?"

Sarah and Tommy exchanged a look with each other before Cain spoke up "Fuck sake! It was clearly Tommy! Ada! Come here, I'll pay up."

Tommy and Sarah laughed as the young girl held her hand out to him "You got hustled by a little girl." Sarah laughed at her brother before John strolled over and cut in

"Yeah well, we didn't know when Tommy would find his balls. 'ere Cain, you owe me as well." He also put his hand out.

This chapter was kind of cringy for me that's why it's short x

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