Part Forty - Three

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It had been a while since Sarah had enjoyed herself outside of the blinders, and given her current argument with Tommy, throwing this party was exactly what she needed, even if half of the party was full of toffs. Sarah still had friends from the Eden Club, some who knew of the higher class which is how she managed to track the lovely Levi back down. He still looked gorgeous even in his 'casual' suit. The evening was full of flowing drinks of all the best tastes, champagne, gin, whiskey and most importantly rum.

"Thought we'd lost you to the Brummies forever." Her friend Madeline teased.

"My sweet Madeline, you could never lose me." She laughed along with her friends "besides your one of the only women I know who drinks rum."

Madeline rolled her eyes playfully "Here I was thinking it was my wonderful taste in men. Tell me how many is it now, we had Daniel, Toby, Edward and now Levi?"

"Alright shut up, there's nothing wrong with having an appetite."

"Speaking of appetite...." one of Madeline's friends started speaking with bright eyes "...I hear you know Thomas Shelby." The woman all but squealed.

"Julia, what did we talk about." Madeline hissed at her embarrassed friend.

"No it's ok, yes I do know him."

"Very well." Madeline sniggered under her breath earning a look from Sarah.

"Is he as dangerous as they say?" Julia asked, so engrossed in the idea of Thomas Shelby that she'd not heard Madeline's words.

"Depends on what people say-"

"Julia he got his wife killed." Another woman dryly Interrupted, making Sarah grip her glass of rum so hard that it could practically smash. Just because she and Tommy were fighting that doesn't mean that she wouldn't fight for him.

Upon noticing her reaction Madeline swiftly jumped in "Yes well we all know you have a taste for the Camden men, Valerie."

Valerie quietly scoffed before silently floating around to another group at the party. Madeline winked at Sarah who smirked at her before being approached by the man of the hour.

"Miss Crawford."

"Mr Hulme." Sarah smiled as he took her hand and spun her around to admire her

"Still being dressed by the devil I see."

"Or am I letting the devil dress me?"

Levi laughed at her charming humour. Madeline nodded at the other women to leave Sarah and her conquest alone.
"Anything else you let the devil do?"

"Oh there are a lot of things, I'd be happy to show you?" She said grabbing a bottle of champagne from one of the ice buckets

"I'd be honoured." He said as he followed her out of the room, enjoying her tour of the house. He became fascinated by all her artwork and was impressed upon finding out that she was the artist for half of them. They laughed as she told him about the parties she and Madeline used to throw back in London and how if Madeline had it her way this house would be no longer standing. Despite him being a toff, Levi seemed quite humble it was refreshing. "So what's going on over there." He squinted as he pointed to a half-built shelter from the arched window, situated down at the end of the long corridor.

"Hopefully a stable, I'm just waiting for the final cheque to come through so I can pay me labourers." Truthfully Sarah knew that Curly would see no reason to accept payment from her but she didn't want to take advantage of him.

"Anyone I know?" He asked interested.

"Doubtful, unless you enjoy steel yards."

The man let out a small laugh and nodded. "You like horses then?"

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