Part Forty - Five

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"Daddy's coming home today, Charlie." Sarah smiled at the young boy who clapped his hands excitedly, not really understanding anything. Sarah and Ada had taken him to visit Tommy quite a few times, but it wasn't the same and Tommy didn't want him to be at the hospital any longer than needed. Hell, Tommy didn't even want to be at the hospital any longer than was required.

Ada ran into Charlie's nursery and scooped him up into her arms, "He's here!"

The two women walked downstairs, Charlie running straight into Tommy's open arms the moment that he saw him, babbling away at him as Tommy just had a faint smile on his face. After greeting his staff and watching Charlie show him his new trains, Tommy nodded for Sarah to follow him into his office. Twenty minutes Tommy had been home, and he was already back to work. Not that he'd really stopped when he was in hospital anyway.

"When are you meeting the Russian?" Tommy asked, lighting a cigarette as Sarah shut the door behind her.

"Tomorrow morning."

"Good, when you're done bring the boys 'ere."

"By boys you mean?"

"Only Shelby men."


"I said men," Tommy told her as he breathed out smoke

"Men? So not Michael." Tommy glared at her, "Ah, so yes Michael?" She smirked.

"Michael is an intricate part of this plan."

Sarah narrowed her eyes at him, "Pol's going to kill you."

Tommy inhaled deeply, "Michael asked me."

"That's not going to matter to her."

"Well, that's the way it's going to be."

Sarah rolled her eyes at him and nodded, "Alright boss."


"Yeah, boss. That's what you are, right?"

Tommy rubbed his lips and looked at her, "You know you're important to me."

"Oh god. Tom stop trying to win me over, it's cringy." She shook her head at him. She wasn't sure if Tommy was speaking to her that way because he was trying to flatter her into doing his bidding or if it was because deep down he felt how he used to, but either way, him repeating the same words to her as he did when they were teenagers was borderline embarrassing, for both of them.

Tommy frowned at her, whilst she got some papers from his desk, which she'd been using in Tommy's absence.

"Ada's contract." She told him.

Tommy gestured to her to pass them over as he held his hand out, "Should I expect a union takeover?" He joked as he read through them.

Sarah laughed before her expression turned serious, "One last job, Tommy. You promised." She nodded.

"One last job." He agreed, pulling a pen out of his pocket and signing the contract.


Sarah kept her hands in her coat pockets as they stood about in the old factory where the tanks were being kept, discussing the new deal. Sarah couldn't tell if it was easier or harder to deal with them or Tommy.

Curly poked his head up from the tank and flashed Sarah his usual smile as he passed one of the bullets to Charlie

"That's it. Without the firing pins, the guns won't work." Charlie told their new Russian ally.

"And there are no replacements?" He asked

"They don't make these anymore. These are the end of the line." Charlie replied as he chucked it to John, who caught it with ease.

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