Part Sixty - Six

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Tommy raised his glass to Mosley, who had turned away in a huff over the fact Lizzie had embarrassed him in front of Tommy and Polly.

"Mr Mosley! A toast, if I may. To the end of our deal, and the beginning of something more. Happy birthday, Lizzie."

Mosley begrudgingly raised his glass and just as it reached his lips he pulled it back down as a smirk played it's way onto his face.

"Yes, well my interest has just peaked." Mosley said smugly as Tommy followed his eye line.

"Sarah!" Lizzie exclaimed as she and Polly went over to embrace her, "I didn't think you were able to come back in time!" She smiled.

"Anything for you, lovely."

"You look stunning, sweetheart." Polly said as she placed a big kiss on her cheek and linked arms with her. Sarah blushed, she was hoping her arrival wouldn't bring too much attention to herself.

"I didn't know what you were doing with gifts, so I left it back at the manor."

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"Please it didn't cost anything, painted it myself."

"Of course you did" Polly laughed as they walked over to Tommy and Mosley. Sarah tried to avoid eye contact with Tommy, "Look who arrived just in time. Better late then never though, my love." Polly said proudly.

Tommy gave her a shy smile "Sarah."


Neither were sure how they were meant to greet each other, but they needn't have worried because they were interrupted by Mr. Mosley.

"Sarah Williams. I assume." He said holding his hand out to her. Sarah hesitated giving it to him as he kissed her hand, much to Tommy's annoyance and the women's discomfort.

"Sarah, meet Sir. Oswald Mosley. An associate of mine."

"Lovely to meet you, Oswald."

"Ladies and gentlemen before we fill up on food and the performance begins, we ask you all to find a partner for what is considered to be a pre show dance." The man in charge of the performance stated as he welcomed everyone to the floor.

"Ms. Williams" Mosley said holding out his arm to her "would you care to dance." Sarah considered where they were and decided to accept his hand instead of making a scene.

"I would be delighted." She briefly glanced over her shoulder to see the others nervous reactions as she took his hand for their dance.

Lizzie exchanged a worried look with Polly as she watched them. "Do you think she'll be OK?"

"I'd be more concerned about 'im than her." Polly smiled as she watched a composed Sarah. Lizzie nodded in agreement as Tommy held out his hand to her, keeping his eyes on Sarah the whole time.

"Ms. Williams, I was sorry to hear about your husbands passing. From what I hear he was a very respectable man."

"Thank you, he was."

"So what brings you back here?" He asked as he moved his hand to her waist to begin the dance, Sarah nervously put her hand on his shoulder as she replied.

"You know this and that. What about you? I hear you're in politics." She said with a tone of disapproval.

"I take it from your tone you don't think much of politicians." He replied wearing a bemused smile.

"I don't have time for politics." She said returning the smile.

"How long have you been working for the Shelby's?"

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