Part Seven - 1909

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Sarah and Cain's grandmother Edna had taken the two of them to Blackpool for the week, they couldn't afford holidays so this week away had become their new favourite memory. Once they got to watery lane, Cain was like a little kid at Christmas with the anticipation of seeing his friends.

"Cain, we've been gone for a week. You spend every day with the Shelbys, doing the same thing everyday. I'm sure you haven't missed much."

"Fine." He mumbled as he carried their bags into their house.

The house was surprisingly quiet, what was even more surprising was when they found Polly and their father sitting at their kitchen table

"Polly?" Sarah said with a frown

"What's wrong?" Cain asked

"Arthur's gone." She informed them

"What, where?!"

"Arthur Sr." Their father clarified

"That's nothing new, he goes off all the time."

"He was seen leaving with people from the fair."

Sarah now understood why her father was involved, the only time he went to the fair with Arthur was to pick up women, so he'd obviously gone to Polly so that he couldn't be associated with the situation.

Cain sighed at the news "When did all this happen?" He asked as he rubbed his forehead in concern.

"Four nights ago."

"Fuck! I'm going to check on Arthur." Cain said as he quickly left the house to find his friend, knowing how impulsive Arthur acted.

Sarah nodded and walked over to Polly to give her a hug. "I'm sorry Pol, I know you don't need this right now."

"Mans a fucking waste of space anyway, always has been." She snorted.

"Let me walk you home."
Polly accepted her offer and left the house with her

"Sorry to ruin your evening but I wanted to be here when you got home, make sure you heard it from me first."

"Thanks, Pol, where is he?"

"Not sure, he said he needed to be somewhere safe."

Sarah immediately knew where he was, she said goodbye to Pol before making her way down to the canal. When she got there she found him standing against the wall, she wondered how long he must have been standing there. Before even thinking about it she went over and pulled him straight into a hug, he put his head into the crook of her neck and Sarah felt his body tremble slightly

"You're ok. You don't need him, ok?"

"Please don't leave me."

"I won't Tom, I won't."

They pressed their foreheads against each other before she pressed a kiss against his lips. They spent the rest of the day at the canal in silence.

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