Part Nine - 1909

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A couple of days after the altercation at the Garrison Sarah's mother had returned, unaware that her alcohol cabinet was empty, fortunately, she was in a much better and loving mood and therefore was playing the dutiful wife to her husband. Unfortunately, this meant that Sarah was walking on eggshells knowing how easy it was to piss off her mother, so when her father suggested the two of them go out for the day Sarah took the hint that meant for her to go out and replace the alcohol before her mother noticed, which is how she ended up back at the scene of the crime.

"Alright love?" Harry asked as he dried glasses.

"Yeah I'm alright" she sighed "I need to buy some bottles."

Harry nodded and put the glass aside. Selling bottles for people to take away wasn't something he often did but considering the Crawford family were frequent customers he made the exception "Go on."

Sarah sighed as she started thinking about what they needed
"Rum, Whiskey and...I dunno...maybe brandy" her head was pounding as she was trying to think to herself.

"Your mother just come back from one of her holidays?" Harry asked. Sarah frowned about the fact that people were aware of her family problems but nodded in response, he nodded as he turned to pull down the bottles "forget the brandy, go for the gin." he told her as he placed it on the bar.

"Thanks, Harry," she muttered.

"White?" Sarah nodded again "Irish or Scotch."

Sarah couldn't help but laugh to herself as he said Scotch, he quickly opened his mouth to apologise when he realised what he'd said, but Sarah waved her hand at him and shook her head "Scotch." she told him as she counted the money. Harry put the bottles on the bar and noticed she was a bit short on money, Sarah swallowed "Maybe no to the gin." she mumbled.

He shook his head at her to tell her that it was fine "Actually I was thinking, why don't you do the odd night here?" He said casually

"You mean work here? The Garrison?" Sarah asked in confusion with her eyebrow raised.

"You're in here often enough, you don't scare easy." He said softly.

"Alright, why not." She smiled, reaching her hand out to shake his.

"First shift starts on Saturday."

"-shift? Why would you wanna work here?" A cold voice said from behind her.

Harry tensed and Sarah just rolled her eyes at Tommy's presence. Sarah ignored him as he stood next to her and cleared his throat, she pretended she hadn't heard him as she let her eyes wander around the pub, so Tommy cleared his throat again. When Sarah still didn't respond Harry tapped his fingers on the bar to get her attention and nodded to Tommy before going back to drying glasses,

Sarah rolled her eyes and looked at him "What do you want Thomas?" She felt a wave of satisfaction go over her as he cringed at the use of his name.

"I don't like it when you call me Thomas."

Sarah knew that which is exactly why she'd said it.
"I have plenty of other things to call you." She said turning back to face the bar.

He scoffed and leaned in closer to her, she could feel his warm breath as his lips were nearly against her ear "I miss you."

She tried her best to stay composed and to stay annoyed at him despite the shiver his closeness had sent up her spine
"I'm right here." She replied stiffly.

"Come on Sar, can't we just go back to us."

Sarah rolled her eyes at him, "No. I'm tired of this. I want Tommy Shelby, not whoever this person is."

He let out a small growl in response before speaking "What happened to me and you being the king and queen of Small heath." He said placing his hand on the small of her back.

"You ever played chess, Tommy?"

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What?"

"You see in Chess, the queen is a key piece in the game, very powerful. The most important piece in fact."

Tommy shook his head in confusion "I know how important you are to me." He insisted quietly. Sarah responded with silence as he looked around the pub nervously and rubbed his lip "do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He muttered quietly.

Sarah suppressed a smile, "Hmm? I didn't quite catch that." she said taunting him as he sighed.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said a little bit louder.

Sarah smiled at him and put her hand around his waist "And?" She said raising her eyebrows.

Tommy swallowed, he opened his mouth to say those three words as the pub doors swung open, they both turned and saw Cain and the Shelby brothers walk in. Not wanting his brothers to tease him, Tommy had to fight the urge to pull away from her. Sarah trained her eyes deep brown eyes on his ocean blue ones, this was his chance, his moment. Tommy kept looking from his brothers and back to Sarah, the pressure increasing as some of the other peaky men could be heard outside the pub. When Sarah rolled her eyes and went to move he pulled her back by her waist
"I love you, alright? I fucking love you." He said to her in a serious tone,

after seeing her playful smirk he started laughing with her, she pulled him down to her and kissed him, earning a lot of whistles from the men in the pub. They pulled away for a second before he gently put both hands on her face and gave her another kiss.

"Alright, that's enough of that," Cain called out as he walked into the snug.

"Do you want me to pick you up when I'm done here?" he said to her as he put his hands back on her waist.

"It's probably better if I just meet you later. I wouldn't want to ruin Eleanor's mood."

Tommy nodded and gave her a quick kiss before she left, taking the alcohol with her. Tommy smiled to himself as he ordered some drinks and went into the snug, he took his hat off and ended up locking eyes with Cain, who was shuffling cards ready for their game "Break her heart one more time, and I'll chuck you in the cut."

John and Arthur stayed quiet as they watched the exchange, Tommy tilted his head to look at his brothers "I reckon you'll have help."

The look his brothers gave him confirmed that they, would indeed, help Cain. Cain glared at him one last time before clapping Arthur on the shoulder "Right come on then, loser buys the next round."

"Nah, loser has to get off with Stella Davis."

"I'll take that bet," John smirked earning a laugh from the others.

Tommy laughed before looking at Cain and nodded "Maybe I shouldn't be playing then."

"Not scared of losing are you, Tom?" Arthur asked as he picked up his cards

"I just don't wanna risk being thrown into the Cut."

"Good man!" Cain shouted as Harry brought in their drinks.

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