Part Fifty-Five

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"Sorry, ladies, we don't..." the bartender stopped mid sentence when he saw Sarah and Ada.

"Don't what?" They both asked at the same time.

The man paled, "It's all right. I'm sorry. I didn't..."

Sarah held her hand out to him "What are you drinking, ladies?" That's what you're supposed to say." She told him making Ada smirk.

"Yes. Sorry. Er, what are you drinking" he asked nervously

"Beer. Pint." Jesse said nervously.

"Rum, white," Sarah paused and watched Ada "And a whisky on ice."

"I'm afraid we don't have ice." The man stuttered

"Next time, make sure you have ice." Ada sighed "This pub's come to our attention for its lack of ice."

Sarah rolled her eyes at Ada, she loved her but she needed to stop picking and choosing when she wanted to use her name. The men went back to their chatter as the three women sat down

"There's more than one way to achieve equality." Ada told Jesse

"Before you begin to congratulate yourself, I'm not impressed with your power to terrify people."

Sarah snorted with amusement at Jesse's remark, covering her mouth at Jesse's sharp glare.

"Hmm. Whereas, I am impressed by your ability to stand up in front of an audience and speak. I was never able to do it." Ada said to her.

"I've heard people talk about you. You used to advocate armed revolution."

Ada was quick to change the conversation at that point "Shelby Company Limited is prepared to offer parity for male and female workers across all the factories in our ownership. And withdraw the pay cut for men."

"In return for what?"

"In return for something very unusual. But very typical of my brother."

"What does he want?"

"To sit down with you and talk."

"If he withdraws his pay cut, we have no need to talk."

"He wants to talk about socialism and revolution." Ada told her

"Dear God, are you serious?" Jesse chuckled

"Thomas Shelby is a lot of things, but he'll always be a bookmaker. Bookmakers hedge their bets. Sometimes, long shots come in. And when they do, Tommy likes to take what he can." Sarah told her simply.

"And because we emptied his buses today, he thinks we are among the runners and riders."

Ada shrugged "Beneath it all, my brother is a very rational man."

"Beneath all what? You mean, beneath the beatings, the cuttings, the shootings, the murders-"

"Yeah. Beneath all that." Ada cut across her

Jesse leant forward to them both "Tell your brother that when we take power, all means of production will be owned by the workers. Essential industries will be taken into state control. Birmingham Town Hall is a rather beautiful building and we plan to preserve it. What else does he need to know?"

Sarah and Ada exchanged a look of amusement. Sarah admired Jesse's tenacity, but just like the last time she'd heard her speak in the bullring, it lacked incentive.

Jesse leant back in her chair "It's going to happen. Aren't you a bit sorry you jumped ship too soon?"

"He wants to take you for dinner."

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