Part Eighty-Five

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Ada was in charge, or so Sarah had been informed but there was still some business that Sarah would take care of, she had about an hour to spare before going back to the hospital and there was only one place she needed to go to as she walked through the betting shop and opened the junior blinder's office door.

"Mickey, I've got to go. The boss's wife is here." Isiah said as he quickly hung up the phone.

Sarah rose her eyebrows, her face void of emotion "The boss's wife? I'm more than the fucking boss's wife. In fact, I'm your boss Isiah. Just because I don't walk these corridors doesn't change that fact." She warned.

Isiah had grown up in the last few years, he'd earned his place in this company. The young boy that used to flirt and follow Sarah around like a lost puppy had grown into a man right in front of their eyes.

"Where is Arthur?" she asked looking around the room for her brother who was supposed to be there.

Isiah shifted in his seat slight uncomfortably, he knew Sarah didn't involve herself in their world anymore and wasn't sure if she fully understood how bad Arthur's demons were. Especially given everything that was going on with Ruby.

"We locked him in the cash safe. When he gets the yamps really bad he tells us to lock him in the safe, to stop him from slipping down to China Town."

"What are the yamps?" Sarah asked exasperated.

"When you lose your head. When you can't control yourself. Young people say it."

"That sounds familiar," Sarah snorted to herself thinking back about how difficult it was to get Tommy sober, "And Arthur gets the yamps a lot?"

"A lot is twice a day. Arthur gets them three times a day."

Sarah scrunched up her nose and looked around "It smells in here."

"Arthur sleeps on the floor. We lock him in at night."

Sarah frowned at him before sighing and clicking her fingers at him, "On your feet," she told him. He quickly did as she said as he got out of his chair for Sarah to sit in  "Sit down." She told him pointing to another seat in the room.

"Nice perfume." He said with a smirk.

Sarah looked at him, it seemed growing older hadn't knocked out his cockiness however it also seemed that Isiah had forgotten Sarah's role in this company.

"Tommy likes you, Isiah."

"I believe I'm suited to this life." He said confidently.

"I've always considered you one of our dearest soldiers, almost family, so I'm confused as to why you think you can speak to me that way." She said harshly, her tone held a warning, and that warning hadn't escaped Isiah's notice.

Isiah tensed slightly and sat up straight, "I was given to understand that you are no longer part of the company."

"Isiah my love, I am this fucking company," she studied him for a moment, "You speak well these days." She noted.

"I was going to be an accountant but everybody said I would be wasted counting money, instead of stealing it." He admitted "What's the name of that perfume? I've got a girlfriend with a birthday."

Sarah ignored him "I want you to go to Liverpool."

"Then I will go to Liverpool."

"We have opium in storage at the Salthouse docks. Word got out among the dock workers. They started stealing cupfuls, now it's by the bucket."

"By the bucket? The audacity of it."

"The sale of the stolen opium is being organised by a union convenor called Haydn Stagg. In the envelope, you'll find details of where to find him and what to do to him when you do." Sarah explained handing the envelope out for him.

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