Part Thirty-Two

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The journey back to Small Heath was easy practically, but emotionally every turn, every other car or pedestrian just lay heavily on Sarah's chest. After she left Grace at the Ritz she went home and persuaded Sabini to let her go back to Birmingham and promised him that she would be back the morning of the races and ready to go, she didn't care about his reaction because she knew she had to get going out of there whilst she still had the chance and while she was still breathing. It wasn't long before the country roads were behind her and the smoke in front, she drove to her grandmother's house and parked up. When she opened the door she found that she was standing on something she looked down and found it to be a piece of paper, she frowned as she reached down and picked it up, but she would recognise the writing anywhere, Tommy. He'd asked her to meet him that evening at the Garrison to talk things through. Sarah sighed and went on with her day until the time came to go, she made sure that she looked presentable and composed because with Tommy you never know what to expect. Sarah ran her fingers over her lips and styled her hair as a form of relaxation before setting off on foot to her summoning. Just like the car journey, every step felt heavy and deafening. Once stood outside, she wanted to run and hide, but couldn't. Upon entering the Garrison she was surprised to find it empty but the door to the snug open

"Tom?" She called nervously before he cleared his throat to indicate that he was sat inside, she slowly walked in and saw that he'd poured a drink ready for her as he sipped his own.
"How'd it go?" She asked as she took the seat opposite him whilst he nodded,

"Very well." He said curtly. Sarah felt her heart beginning to thump from his lack of conversation.

"Tommy, why am I-" she began, but he shook his head and leaned forward,

"No. See, I thought about it. How I imagined that you were there that night when Sabini jumped me." Tommy cut across her, dragging out every syllable slowly.

Sarah traced her glass and hummed an "Mhmm." preparing herself for his realisation.

"Because I'd seen you, glimpses; Freddie's funeral, that night at the club. So it got me thinking"

Sarah just glared at him as he slowly stood up and walked over to her, "Who's your fiancé." Sarah tried to fight a smile as he closed in on her. "What's his name, Sarah."

"I think you know."

"Say his name!" He growled as he grabbed her glass and threw it to the floor. Sarah didn't even flinch, she knew Tommy too well and knew he wouldn't hurt her.

"Everything I said is true."

He let out a frustrated scream as he  grabbed her from her chair and shoved her against the wall and slammed his hands on either side of her head

"What you going to do, Tom? You going to kill me? Cut me?" She smirked

"The shit you gave me about your cousin! Saying it was my fault-"

"It was your fault! I told you not to-"

"His blood is on your hands just as much as they are mine! God Sarah! What were you thinking?! Ada and Arthur!"

"I didn't know about Ada or Arthur until it was too late, but-" she quickly stopped herself.

"But? But What?!"

Sarah looked at the floor and squeezed her eyes shut as Tommy nodded in realisation "Michael, That was you?"

"I didn't know who would be next! I gave Campbell Michael because I knew he had no other priors and that he'd be easily let out-But it all went wrong, I was going to London to kill him-but then-"

"You should have come to me! I could have sorted it!"

"I needed him!" She yelled over his outburst, "I'm not done with him yet!"
He got in her face ready to scream at her, but she wasn't finished as she shoved him away from her, "Who do you think got you help?!"

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