Part Six - 1908

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Despite all her Tommy drama, Sarah woke up pleasantly happy. Once awake she stretched and looked out of the window onto the cobbled streets, she was debating going back to sleep when a loud stomping noise came up the stairs before flinging her bedroom door open

"Cain! What the hell?!" She shouted as she wrapped the blanket around herself.

"Is it true?!" He yelled

"What? Get out!" She threw her pillow at him, but he dodged it

"Sarah is it true?!"

"Is what fucking true?!"

The two siblings shot daggers at each other until it became clear to Cain that Sarah had no idea what he was talking about, but before he could even explain himself there was a loud smash coming from outside, specifically outside the Shelby house. The two siblings ran to the window before exchanging a look and running out of the house, Sarah briefly stopped to wrap a coat around her, she joined Cain and Arthur as they tried to split the fighting brothers up, John and Tommy.

"Stop!" Cain shouted as he struggled to hold back John

"Nothing fucking happened!" John yelled.

"What are you even fighting about?!" Sarah exclaimed as she tried to calm Tommy down, but he just shoved her away from him

"Shut up you fucking slag!"

"Oy! Watch it!" Cain pointed his finger in Tommy's face and shot him a warning glare.

"He thinks you fucked John last night," Pol called over the sound of a crying Finn, who she was trying to soothe in her arms from the doorway,

Sarah assumed that was the only reason she wasn't getting involved, she didn't think the argument could get worse until she heard a certain voice standing behind them

"Told you, fast women and slow-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Sarah turned and screamed in Mr Shelby's face. Her outburst had caused everyone else to go quiet, Sarah was now very much aware that most of the street was watching, including her mother, but she didn't care as she moved past the boys and grabbed Tommy tightly by his shoulders, "Tom, I did not fuck John, last night. Nor any other night nor any other man." She told him calmly. When he still seemed sceptical she sighed and rubbed her head until her mother's eyes caught her attention "look, John took me home, and I went straight to bed, ask her-"

Sarah heard her mother scoff and wished that she hadn't mentioned her mother because it was obvious that she would more likely fuel those rumours to make her daughter look bad than to actually back her up, fortunately, Tommy knew Sarah's family very well, so when he saw her mother's reaction he knew that Sarah was in fact telling the truth.

"OK." he nodded slowly


"OK." He nodded again, Sarah released a breath that she didn't know she had been holding as she turned away from him and looked at John's bloody nose.

"Wish I had fucked you at least then I would have made this bloody nose worth something." He muttered

"John!" Sarah, Polly and Cain scolded at the same time.

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