Part Eight - 1909

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The next day she found herself alone again, Cain was with the boys, her father was working and her mother still wasn't speaking to her. Normally she would go to see one of the Shelby's but right now she daren't even go near one, not even Ada. Instead, she went to see her friend Kitty, but unfortunately, she couldn't go out because her sister, Greta, was sick. Sarah was starting to get cold as she realised she hadn't taken her coat, so she went to the only place she knew to be comforting. The Garrison. Sarah sighed and walked into a mostly empty Garrison, she looked at the clock to see how much time she had before the Blinders turned up. It was six-thirty, and they usually arrived at seven, so she figured she'd be able to have a quick drink without running into any of them.

"Tall glass of rum," Sarah muttered. Harry hesitated, but one look from Sarah told him that he didn't have a choice but to pour it

"Still fallen out with Tommy?" He asked

"Naturally." She replied flatly as she reached into her pocket to pay him.

Harry put his hand out to stop her "On the house, love."


"On the house." He insisted as she said thank you and walked over to sit in a corner booth of the tavern, that way if she was still here when the blinders arrived she could lean back into the shadows.

Sarah nursed her glass for a while, her eyes subconsciously flitting to the clock every few minutes, she debated getting another drink when the door came open. The few people who were sitting in the pub turned to look at the door as the group of men walked into the and looked around the pub until walking to the bar to approach Harry.

"I'm looking for a Miss Crawford." One of them said in a strong Scottish accent.

"Miss Crawford?" Harry repeated, his eyes sliding to Sarah slightly as she sat up straight.

"Yes, Sarah, I believe. Is she here?" He asked again.

Harry tensed up and started stuttering at the man's question "Uh-"

Sarah could tell this would be trouble if he lied, so she announced herself to protect him.
"Who wants to know?" She said casually.

The man turned around at the sound of her voice "Is it you?-" he smirked as he looked her up and down "-yeah you'd fit the description."


"Yeah Thomas Shelby's girl. Do you know a Thomas Shelby?"

Sarah snorted at his question and smirked

One of the men sat next to her and put his hand on her thigh, she stared at him and raised her eyebrows before looking back "Maybe we should go and visit Mr Shelby." He said as one of his other men sat next to Sarah and placed a kiss on her neck.

"No need," Sarah said through gritted teeth as she looked at the clock that now pointed at seven, the usual time that the Peaky Blinders turned up, and she was right as the door swung open. The rest of the people in the bar scattered out the door and Sarah nodded at Harry to leave, which he did hesitantly. The man who had kissed her neck yanked her up from her seat and stood behind her with one hand around her waist to hold her still and the other one around her neck as he kept his lips close to her neck.

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