Part Twenty-Seven

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Sarah was rushing around trying to make her grandmother's lunch, her argument with John from a couple of days ago still fresh in her mind. Sarah felt lonely, she couldn't see Ada every day anymore they could only speak on the phone, Arthur was a danger zone, Tommy had limited time, and truthfully it was easier to avoid him. Sarah had happily accepted Polly's invitation for tea with Michael and although the company was lovely, Sarah knew that Polly's only concern right now was for her son, As it should be. Which is how she ended up being stuck on lunch duty for her grandmother, not that she minded, Edna had always been kind to her. Sarah couldn't possibly comprehend how her headcase of a mother had come from such a wholesome woman.

"Here you go, cheese and pickle. Just how you like it." She smiled brightly, but her grandmother pushed the plate away and stared out the window, making Sarah sigh as she reached over to the newspaper, "I know you like to read when you eat."

"Have you not got anything better than that rubbish."

Sarah smiled at her grandmother who hadn't uttered a word to anyone in days, "Always, what were you thinking?" She watched as her grandmother was deep in thought, trying to come up with a way to test the girl.

"War and Peace?"

Sarah raised her eyebrows at her before standing up and walking to the stairs "I have a copy in my bag." She told her, much to her grandmother's approval.

They'd both always shared a love of books with each other. Sarah chuckled to herself about the fact that her sick Eighty-seven-year-old grandmother, who hadn't spoken in days, had decided to read such a lengthy book.

"War and Peace." She muttered to herself in amusement as she went into her bag. Just as her hands had gripped the book her auntie flung the door open with tears streaming down her face, Sarah rushed over to her  "Auntie Georgia, what's wrong?"

Georgia looked at her for a moment before stumbling back away from her, "You! And your gypsy friends."

Sarah frowned in confusion, "I don't understand-"

"They set him up with the job! Now he's dead."

Sarah stared at her Auntie in complete bewilderment until she realised what had happened. Tommy had gone against her wishes and hired her cousin, she closed her eyes and ran to grab her coat, "I'm so sorry, I had no idea, but I swear I'm going to make this right." She pleaded with her auntie as she ran out of the house to her car, with one destination in mind. Sarah drove straight to Polly's house, slamming the car door behind her. Once Polly heard the car screech she knew straight away who it was, she sighed and went to the door before Sarah had even managed to knock. Sarah's eyes glazed over in anger, "Where is he?" She said through gritted teeth. Polly raised her eyebrows and thought to herself for a moment.


"Oh please, Pol! For once, just once, take my side." Sarah scoffed

"I've always been on your side," she replied calmly

"Polly, I helped you find your son... My cousin is dead! You really want your boy going the same way because I bet he's with him now, isn't he?"

Polly sighed before deciding it wasn't her fight and so told her the address of the horse auction, Sarah quickly thanked her before speeding off in her car.


By the time she got there the auction had ended, she barged past people until she could follow the sound of Arthur's gravely voice

"It's the fucking truth, John boy. Rich women these days, all they want is working class-cock."

Sarah pushed past a posh woman with short dark hair, assuming that this was the woman Arthur had been referring to.

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