Part Forty - Four

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Tommy had been in surgery for hours, whilst Sarah spent her time pacing the corridors waiting for news. Ada had been a mess when they got to the hospital, leaving Sarah to call the family and inform them of what happened. Naturally, Pol was the first to get there, comforting Ada. Followed by John and Arthur, the latter kicking off from the lack of news. Finally, Michael came down with Finn, who went straight to Sarah's side. In all honesty, Sarah wasn't sure who was comforting who more between her and Finn. Eventually, the family somewhat settled down with Finn falling asleep with his head on Sarah's shoulder. She sighed and leaned into him as Ada sat on her other side squeezing her hand tightly. Once the nurse came out to tell them that Tommy was out of surgery but not in the clear, Sarah convinced Ada and Finn to go home and rest properly, promising to call them with any news. They reluctantly did as she said, finally giving her some time to breathe. She leant forward with her head in her hands as John came over and rested his hand on her shoulder

"How you doing over there?"

"Well, almost 24 hours ago I was at my house throwing a party before becoming Tommy's chauffeur and then his nurse, so a one-word answer would be, exhausted."

John nodded with a smirk "kinky."

Sarah sat up and looked over at him, shaking her head in amusement. Only John could make Tommy's near-death experience amusing.

"Hilarious." She remarked.

John sat down next to her and nudged his knees into hers "You know, we've all noticed that you're only wearing a slip underneath your coat. You seriously telling me that, that wasn't Tommy related?"

Sarah snorted at him and folded her arms "Definitely not" John raised his eyebrows, making her sigh tiredly "the toff from the gala."

John nodded in recollection "Ahh, How was he?"

"Wouldn't know. We weren't into it for long before Tommy called."

"So Tommy calls and you go running," John said with a smirk as he leaned back in his seat, folding his arms.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She snapped and tilted her head at him.

John sighed and looked at her "It means that you chose Tommy over him, why is that?"

"Yeah well, Levi made some dickhead remarks about him." Sarah huffed trying to defend herself.

"Was that before or after you stopped to take his phone call?"

Sarah pursed her lips and ignored what he was implying.

"Miss Crawford, Mr Shelby" the nurse called out to them, both of them standing up nervously "he's awake."

They both let out a sigh of relief before thanking the woman.

"Go and get Pol and Arthur. I'll call Ada." She told him

"Wait" John called out to her "you sure you don't want to see him first?"

Sarah thought for a moment but shook her head "No, Pol first." She told him as she went over to the pay phone. When she started dialling Ada's number she hesitated for a moment, looking over at Tommy's room, but her thoughts cut off as Ada answered.


After they'd seen Tommy and been home to change Pol had told Sarah that Tommy had mumbled something about the jewels being ready, before passing out again. Sarah straight away knew what he was referring to and took care of it all for him. As usual.

Sarah sighed as she walked into his hospital room "I've told 'im to wait for my call." She told him as she stood over his bed.

Tommy grunted in response, although the man was barely even able to do that. Sarah looked at the door wondering when was the appropriate time to excuse herself, she checked her watch before clearing her throat.

"Pol will be back soon with Arthur and Linda."

"Fuckin' Linda-"

"Tommy! Be nice." Sarah warned as she gripped her bag and got ready to leave.

"Thank you." He rasped out as he attempted to reach out to hold her hand.

"You'd do the same for me." She shrugged hesitantly taking his hand.

"I'm not just talking about this, I'm talking about everything else you've done for me. You've been giving me something to work for and-and I know before Grace and Epsom we had a moment-"

Sarah shook her head and cut him off "Tommy you're on a lot of pain medication, so I think it best if we leave things here." She cooed and forced a small laugh. Tommy attempted to give her a smile but it only made Sarah wince at his pain. "Get better quickly. We have things to do."


"His safety is my top priority. And don't worry he's being looked after properly, but he needs his father, so do as I say and get better quickly." She told him playfully as she gently ran her fingers over the shaved part of his head with a sad smile.

He leaned into her touch as his breathing finally began to even out and his body was slowly becoming at ease. They were both completely oblivious to Polly standing at the door watching them with a small smile on her face, only clearing her throat once Arthur and Linda walked up the corridor. The last thing Sarah and Tommy needed were questions and judgments from other people, particularly Linda. Sarah's head snapped to the door and she quickly dropped her hand and jumped to her feet looking from Polly to Tommy's half-sleeping form

"I was just going." She stuttered becoming flustered.

Polly squeezed her hand as she passed her at the door "You don't have to feel guilty about it." She whispered and kissed the side of her head as Sarah nodded and left. Polly walked over to Tommy and sat next to the bed "Oh dear, Thomas." He hummed uncertain of what she was saying, "Don't worry your secrets safe with me." She told her nephew, who was too out of it to register or understand anything she was saying. "Just like fucking lions." She muttered


"How is he?" Madeline asked as soon as Sarah stepped through the front door.


"And you? How are you?"

Sarah sighed and rubbed her temples "Honestly?" Madeline nodded at her friend "I'm fucking exhausted. Sometimes I wish it could go back to us in the early days. Going out dancing, house parties, all our shopping."

Madeline laughed and rested her head on her shoulder "Yeah, but this is your family."

"Hey, you're my family too," Sarah told her seriously

"Different type of family," Madeline said cryptically with a knowing look that Sarah was yet to understand

"Are you staying tonight?" She asked her

"For as long as you want."

Sarah smiled before looking up at the clock and groaned "I'm meant to be on Charles lookout so I told Tommy that until Ada can make provisions at work I'd stay with him, you're welcome to come."

"You sure Tommy won't mind?"

"Well, he's not in a position to stop me. Besides he already did a background check on you." Sarah smirked at Madeline's shocked expression


"Yeah, before the wedding." She said nonchalantly as she grabbed her coat.

Madeline nodded as she digested the news "Did he find out about-"

"Yep," Sarah smirked as Madeline flushed with embarrassment.

"Great," Maddie replied sarcastically grabbing her coat and following Sarah to the car.

Sarah grinned at her before gasping "Oh my god! What did you do with Levi?" She watched as Maddie gave her a sly smirk.

"Put it this way, wait until Tommy does another review on me."

They both laughed as they drove up to Tommy's.

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