Part Twenty-Three

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The events that had taken place since Freddie's funeral whirled around through Tommy's mind every second of the day. He was starting to think that he'd gone mad until he had his sister followed by some of his men that is, that was when he found his proof. He'd finished his meeting with Mr Solomns and instructed Curly that he would return later, once he had taken care of something, someone. Which is how he found himself on the street corner watching his sister as she crossed over to his side of the road.


"How the fuck did you find me? What, are you reading Polly's letters?"

"Polly showed me the letter. Look, you think you're safe because you moved flat, but you're not. Polly thinks the same."

"When will you understand? I just want you all out of my life."

"Ada. Look at us, eh? And it'll happen again." He said, indicating to their bruised faces.

"Yeah, well, next time I'll be ready. In fact, I want them to try again, 'cause I'll shoot their balls off!" She said as she flashed him her gun.

"- Ada, put the fucking gun away."

" -Get away from me, I'm late for work."

"All right, fine. Fine. Just take this. Take it. Where you're living now is right on the edge of Sabini's territory, and all the coppers round there work for him. I've got a lot of money coming in that I can't put through the banks. My accountant says the best thing is to buy property for cash and put it in the name of a family member."

"A house? A whole house?"

"It's all yours. Four storeys, eight bedrooms, kitchen, scullery. Rooms for a maid, if your political conscience will allow. At least go and have a look, eh?"

Ada hesitated before taking the keys, she nearly got around the corner when Tommy stopped her, making her roll her eyes

"I need you to do me a favour?"

Ada frowned at him in confusion. Tommy rubbed his lips and thought for a moment, unsure if he wanted to do this, "Pass this onto her." He said quietly as he handed Ada a piece of paper with a time and place written on it, she looked at him tensely

"I don't know what-"

"I know she's in London, Ada. I know since Freddie passed you meet her for lunch most days, please pass it on."

Ada nodded and agreed to his request. It just so happened that she was on her way to meet Sarah, and unfortunately, she knew that Sarah would agree to meet Tommy. Ada wanted them to stay away from each other because, despite Tommy pissing her off most of the time, he was completely heartbroken when he came home from the war to find out that she was gone, and equally she saw the guilt and regret that flashed on Sarah's face whenever she thought about her old life.

After Ada had told her everything that had happened over the last week and passed her Tommy's note they ended up sitting in silence for a few moments and only snapped out of it when Ada tapped the table.

"I'm sorry," Sarah said as she rubbed her temples. Ada sighed in disappointment

"You're going to see him, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry I have to, I really have to." She didn't want to disappoint Ada, but she hadn't seen Tommy's attack and if he wanted to meet her after all this time, then she owed him that much. Sarah stood up and grabbed her bag to go and meet him, but Ada put her arm in front of her

"Look whatever happens, just be careful."

"I will." Sarah promised as she kissed her friend's cheek to say goodbye, "And Ada, you have to take the house Tommy has given you. Look at your face, you aren't safe."

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