Part Eighty - Three

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I love you, I'm an idiot and I'm sorry.

This was the note that Tommy had left sarah, she'd read and reread it so many times by this point, it was all true but it also meant fuck all since he'd wrote it down. When they'd got home he'd held her whilst she slept, ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her cheek when he left for work in the morning, but sarah didn't react to any of his gestures. That would mean that she was okay with his behaviour and she wasn't, normally on Thursdays sarah would drive up to his office and they'd fuck for hours, but that wouldn't be happening today. Instead she'd be spending the day with Ada, she hadn't managed to spend a lot of one to one time with her recently and with the kids at school and Tommy being cut off, Sarah finally had the opportunity to have afternoon tea with her, except Ada was late as usual, leaving sarah alone with her thoughts as she sat in the conservatory with a cup of tea in her hands and her knees tucked into her chest and under her chin. It was days like these that Sarah needed Polly, at times she even found herself at church looking to connect with Polly but no such luck.

I love you, I'm an idiot and I'm sorry.

The words repeated in her head until being snapped out of it by the voice of her sister

"How many bloody flowers have you got in here!" Ada called carrying a vase of flowers into the conservatory

She'd walked in to find bouquets and vases of flowers throughout the house, some with sweet words attached and some simply there. Sarah didn't answer or look up she just continued to sip her tea until Ada sat down in the chair next to her.

Ada rose her eyebrows at her and handed the peonies to one of the maids who had come to pour Ada her tea, thanking them Ada looked around the room and saw a bouquet of daisies that had been tossed on top of a table.

Sighing Ada stored her tea before addressing sarah, "What's he done now?"

"Nothing." Sarah shrugged, "Just acted like an arse at a fucking fascist rally."

Ada understood but still frowned at the poor daisies scrunched on the table, "Still a bit harsh." Ada muttered nodding to the bouquet

Sarah looked over to the daisiesand looked back at Ada, "I didn't do that."

"What happened then?"

Sarah rolled her eyes and got up to grab the bouquet and threw them onto Ada's lap to read the note - or what was an attempt at a note, "these are from Arthur." Sarah told her, watching Ada attempt to read his writing

"Thanks for the - what does that say?" Ada asked squinting at the writing.

"Thanks for the shirt, I'm sorry." Ada looked at Sarah quizzically, "before you ask, I didn't give him a shirt, Johnny did, and as for the flowers, well they arrived in that condition.....along with your brother passed out in the driveway."

"Bet tommy went ballistic."

"I wouldn't know, I'm ignoring him."

"How can you ignore someone you live with - actually how can you ignore someone your married to?"

"Easily, 'I love you, I'm an idiot and I'm sorry' that was his apology for speaking to me like shit and getting in my face."

Ada was by no means condoning her brothers behaviour, however he did apologise which was unheard of for Tommy, "He wrote nice poems on some of the flowers...and he did apologise." She pointed out.

Sarah glared at her, "He apologised via note, last time I checked your brother can speak."

"It's Tommy."

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