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Arthur's pov

Yesterday I was thinking a lot. I had to think about The Joker's offer, but instead I was thinking about the fact he called me cupcake. Yes, I am stupid, but I just feel something towards him. Like if I knew him, you know? That's the scariest thing ever. See? I told you I'm easy to impress.

I stood at the same place where he told me to meet him. I was ready to start a new life. I hated my mother, I hated my life, my sanity is ruined, I'm fucked up.

So, why not. I'll run away with The Joker.

What did he mean by 'not working for him, but working with him'?

I have so much questions.


I gasped and turned around. "Jesus Christ. Could you not appear just behind me!"

He laughed. "No. What's your decision?"

"I'm going with you." I said, completely decided.

He nodded. "Have you seen the chaos you caused by the murders?"

I grinned. "It's beautiful, isn't it."

"Yes." He said, also smiling. "Let's make Gotham ours."

I nodded in agreement and excitement. I hate this place. I want to see it burn so bad. "One more thing before we leave." I looked at him.

He slightly tilted his head, gesturing me he's listening.

"I want to do my clown makeup."

"Approved. I'll help you, come." He said as if he was expecting me to say it and dragged me into a public bathroom.

I drew my make-up, smiling slightly at myself in the mirror.

The Joker squeezed a green hair paint, and it landed on my face. It was probably an accident, but it ruined my make-up.

"Hey!" I sighed.

"Haha sorry." He laughed, looking at me.

"Gimme that-" I grabbed the paint from his hand and squeezed it against his face purposely like a pay back.

Then he grabbed my hands, trying to get the green paint from me, we both were laughing, though. It felt strange.

"Give it to me, I'll color your hair!" He tickled me, to get the paint from my hand.

"Stop tickling me!" I laughed, I am extremely ticklish. Falling over, I gasped, but he caught me.

We looked at each other, both panting like crazy. He held my back, and I held him around his neck. This position made me nervous, and his expression softened.

There's no way he's mean.

I stood up and laughed awkwardly. "I'll color my hair by myself.. Thanks." I said and he nodded, washing his own face from the green paint, doing his make-up again. And then there was an awkward silence.

What the heck was that?

However, when we finished, we walked through the city. I didn't know where we're going, I assumed he had something where I'll stay.

"What's your name?" I asked out of nowhere.

"You don't need to know my name." He said.

Wow. Is this really that personal to him? Does he even have a name?

"But I do. I have to call you somehow.. Am I gonna know The Joker's name?" I smiled sweetly, but he was looking down the ground. He seemed regretting something.

He thought for a while. It was quiet about like one minute, then he stopped walking. I looked at him. "Jack." his voice sounded unsure. Like if I was the only one knowing his real name.

"Jack.." I frowned.

He looked at me, his expression was getting softer, but I can see he was fighting to keep it serious. "You know me."

I know him? I looked at his face once again, and then it hit me. Those eyes. Dark brown-- the voice!

"Jack Napier?" I immediately said, shocked.

He looked at the abandoned hospital, we were standing in front of. "Yes."

"No way. This is why you knew me from the news! There wasn't my name written in the newspapers." I took a deep breath.

"That's right, cupcake." He looked at me once more as if he was expecting me to have another shocked expression.

He was the kid who brought me cupcakes when I was small because I haven't got anything to eat. He was my neighbor. Jack. Jack Napier.

I immediately threw my arms around him and hugged him as tight as I could. I knew this all was weird. I knew the eye contact we shared was weird, it was because I knew his eyes.

He rubbed my back once, but didn't hug me back. "Come on, Arthur." He said, and dragged me into the abandoned hospital. We stopped at the roof. It was a beautiful view, but right now, I can't believe-

The Joker is my former neighbor. There's no way I could recognize him right away because when we were little he didn't have one thing.

The scars.

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