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Jack's pov

I heard them again. They are trying the hardest to find us. They'll kill both, me and Arthur if they find us. The fact that Arthur's memories are coming back is good and bad, both. I don't want him to remember the bad things, I only want him to remember the good times we shared together. But it wasn't only that. It was his terrible household he had to live in. The abuse he went through. I don't want him to remember it.

"We have to get out of here." I whispered, breaking the passionate kiss we have just been into so much. I hated that, but still. I had to protect Arthur at all costs. It's all I cared about.

"It's them again?" He looked at me.

"Yes... come on." I put him down, taking his hand.

Well, what now? Are we gonna just walk around this forest or should we run away to another town? What is safer?

"You look stressed." Arthur squeezed my hand softly.

"I'm just not sure where to go." I sighed.

"I'm a bother right? I'm bothering you-"

"Arthur, don't. No." I stopped him and took his cheek leaning down, smooching his face with a big kiss. He blushed a lot, because he didn't expect it.

"Jack, I hate you." He mumbled quietly, his voice was embarrassed.

I started chuckling. "What would I do without you. Fiancé."

He rolled his eyes. "I don't know."

We both laughed for a while. Geez, I love him. How can he think he's bothering me? He's mine and only mine, I need him. I need him, I really do. I always did.

"Look! A river!" I announced after a while of us walking. I didn't even know where we headed to, but I thought it would be good if we left Gotham together. Maybe we'd start some kind of life we both dreamed about. Maybe.

"It's.. It's cold!" Arthur said, as if he knew what I wanted to do.

"It's hot outside. Come on!" I looked at him and he blushed yet again. Such an incredible cutie. I'm so lucky to be engaged to him.

"I ain't going in there. Are you crazy?" He said.

"What a pity. I've done crazier things." I started taking off my clothes, slowly. I love teasing him. He is really way too adorable.

"Like what?"

"Like deciding to marry you." I winked at him.

"Asshole, I was the one answering!"

"I'm joking." I chuckled.

Arthur's pov

I hate when he is teasing me. The water is clearly cold. What will I do with him if he gets a flu? But maybe I really am too worried.

"You'll be sick." I crossed my arms.

He just kissed the tip of my nose like a don't worry sign, and I watched him take off his clothes, with red face. His body-- when we had our first time, it was incredible. Oh, I'd do it again and again with him.

He looks so strong, just, beautiful.

Suddenly a water landed on me.

I looked at Jack, who was already in the river.

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