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Arthur's pov

Jack seemed thinking for a while. I understood him, though. It's not easy to proceed this. But he knew me right away. I was the one who didn't recognize him first.

“I assume you want to know how I got these scars.” He said, sitting on the edge of the roof, me next to him.

I nodded slowly. “I'm sorry.” I said. I knew he didn't do this to himself, just because of the fact I remember how nice he was to me when we were small.

He took a deep breath. “My father was crazy. It's his fault. Well, one day... he just came home in the middle of the night. He hurt my mom. I heard screams, it woke me up. So, I went to look.” He paused briefly, as if he was scared to continue. It's almost impossible how much I understand his situation. I put my hand on his hand, and he softly took mine without hesitation, looking at it, while continuing his story.

“I found my mother dead. He killed her. I tried to wake her up, I thought she was sleeping.. I couldn't. Uh, my father knelt then down to me, I remember the look in his eyes. He was drunk and high. I asked him what's wrong with mom. He said she's sleeping.”

I squeezed his hand, not painfully, just softly. God. This is terrible. I remember hearing screams from Jack's house. Was it him? Oh god, was it him?

“He looked at me and said, Why so serious? I was genuinely scared. He said, let's put a smile on that face. And.. Did this to me.”

I felt so bad for him. I hugged him, and he laughed awkwardly.

“I'm so sorry.” I said.

“You think I'm soft now, huh.” He pulled away from me, standing up.

“No..” I said. “I didn't think that. I thought that I'm glad you shared your story with me.”

He put his hands into his pockets and looked away. “After this I ran away. And to be honest with you, Arthur, I was thinking about carving you from that hole, so you could run away with me. But... I was too shocked.”

“It's okay. I was too weak to run anyways.” I said, I looked down.
“I think I heard you screaming.”
I whispered.

Jack's pov

I feel so bad. It's all my fault. I know why I want Arthur to go with me. It's not for him to run away with me.
It's... Something different. It wasn't my idea, but If I rejected, they would eat me. I regret doing this, and I hate it, because it's against my will. And I never do things like that.

The fact that he understood me. He's the piece that missed in my life. When I was a kid I spent most of my times outside. There was always loud noises coming from Arthur's house, so I decided to check in, and found him on the ground, alone, and he was so tiny. I stole cupcakes that day, I gave him all of them. He was so thankful. He was so sweet. He still is.

But I can't bring myself to hurt him. Not ever since I first saw him after all those years.

“It's possible. Hey, you can be in my room, wanna show it?” I turned around.

He nodded, hopping up, and his cuteness is too much for me to handle.

We walked through the abandoned place, me and my employees lived in most of times. Yes, it's a shithole, but we're criminals, what do you expect?

“Boss, we blew up the store.”

I nodded. I saw their expressions glued on Arthur, who seemed nervous.

I dead glared them, gesturing to keep their mouths shut, and they quickly nodded.

Arthur seemed flattered at my action. But I.. I felt terrible. I regretted bringing him here.

I led him to my room. It was messy and I was kinda embarrassed about that.


“It's okay, Jack.” He said and stepped away from me, to look at me. I wasn't used to be called by my name, but from his mouth it was.. Acceptable.

“I'll leave you for a while to get used to here.” I said, and he nodded with grateful face. I left.

Now to the most painful part.

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