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Jack's pov

As I said before, I am sleep deprived. So, I didn't sleep. Especially not after this. I can't possibly sleep knowing this is the last time seeing Arthur. I watched him sleep. His soul was so precious, I felt it from his energy. I wanted to kiss him since I first met him. I almost did yesterday- this evening. He's my only friend. So, Why should I let mafia boss take him away from me?

Arthur trusts me. Right?

It's 3:47 AM in the morning. They are going to pick him up at 5:00 AM. I have more than a hour to bring me and Arthur out of there. This is my final decision. I am not going to sell a person whom I know since childhood, who's been broken, and will be broken even more if I betray him.

I picked my fatass up and went to talk to some of my accomplices about having my back, they agreed of course. I am the boss here.

I packed everything we needed for a while and looked at Arthur. He was sleeping so peacefully. It's a pity to wake him up, but I only have half a hour left to leave and save him.

I rubbed his cheek. "Arthur, get up."

"What.." He mumbled.

"Get up, we have to get out of here. Now." I said, turning on the lights.

He sat up, worried. "What's going on?"

"I'll explain later. Quickly, take everything you want, and give it into this bag, we have to leave in 20 minutes." I said, not looking at him and taking on my coat, filling it with necessary weapons.

I can't believe I decided this. I can't believe I'm saving him.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" He rubbed his eyes, getting on his sweatshirt and then giving me my bag, gesturing me he's ready.

I loaded my gun and took his hand, leaving the building. The fact that he took my hand back flattered me. It meant he definitely trusted me.

I shot the first driver I saw and kicked him out of the car, sitting to the drivers seat, throwing my bag to the backseat. Arthur sat to the passenger seat, his knee was shaking anxiously.

I started driving, now taking a deep breath. I had a lot of places I slept at. Since I could steal how much money I wanted, I also had a few apartments, so that's where we stopped.

"What's going on??" He asked once again.

I sighed. "Look, there's this guy we were supposed to sell you to. Be thankful, I saved you." I grabbed the bag. "Are you going or not?" I turned around.

"So this all was fake..." He whispered.

No. It wasn't fake. I didn't want to do that.

"Arthur," I said, but before I could continue, he did.

"Fuck you, Jack. I don't want to go with you. Give me my things." His voice was shaking.

"Don't make a theater and get inside.”

No one ever fought with me. How does it work? Everyone just did what I wanted because they were scared. Plus I am the one who's stressed out right now! The mafia boss is going to try to find us and kill us both. Just because of the fact, I had to save Arthur!

"You used me. I trusted you!" He yelled.

"It wasn't my idea. I didn't want to do that. Why do you think I saved you?" I grabbed Arthur's arm and dragged him inside the apartments. He was resisting and pushing away, but I managed to drag him into my apartment and lock the door.

"Let me out!" He screamed, banging on the door.

"Arthur, stop it. Stop it.” I tried to remain calm.

"I hate you, Jack! I hate you!"

I grabbed him from behind, when he tried to run.

Arthur's pov

This isn't fair! I thought I had a friend. I listened to him! I trusted him! The news were right. He's a monster.

When he grabbed me, I began to kick all around, begging him to let me leave, but he didn't for some reason. If he saved me, he could just let me go!

He pushed me to the bed and sat to my crotch, so I couldn't move. Right now, I could punch him, and run away, but I didn't want to hurt him. Not at all. And deep down I didn't even want to run.

"Jack, let me go. I want to leave. Please." I said, looking into his eyes.

"I can't let you go. Arthur. I just can't." Jack's voice seemed scared. He was scared to let me go.

I started sobbing, but I stopped moving. Instead I took both of his cheeks and stroked his scars. I was admiring his face even through my tears.

I failed. I've fallen for him.

He put his forehead against mine, we were now close. And I hugged him. Tightly to myself. I hugged him and cried. And he held me. This is all I ever wanted, I wanted someone to hold me while I'm crying. To comfort me. I started laughing, uncontrollably, in the middle of us hugging. I wanted to apologize to him. But he shushed me before I could.

"I know. It's okay." He said and held me tighter.

Finishing my laughter with few chuckles, I let go of him, and my hands were placed on his cheeks again. He didn't move away.

“I am sorry. Cupcake. I couldn't do it.” He whispered.

I know he couldn't. I know this face of his. He's feeling guilty. But on the other side, he saved me. And I have feelings for him, I can't leave. I'd come running back to him. Why's this so complicated?

Our eyes met, now closer than we've ever been. I felt the tension. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted him.

I couldn't stand the desire to touch him. I never thought about liking boys, I don't care. But Jack, he just happened. The mixed feelings with him. My cheeks were now completely red, I was nervous, I slightly parted my lips as I saw Jack leaning down to me.

I'm going crazy.

He leaned down, as he was on top of me, and second later our lips are collided together. I've never done anything like this. He kissed me, and I kissed him back somehow.

Jack has officially stolen my first kiss.

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