Alternative Ending

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Happy ending for you all! <3
Arthur's pov

When Jack got shot, I thought I'll go crazy. I did. I killed all of them in so aggressive way. You could not realize how hurt I was. Why? Why would life do this to me? Did I get lucky, just so life would ruin me even more?

Oh, my Jackie.

I fell on my knees and cried, and cried. I didn't know what to do. He's dead, is he really? Is this reality? I stroked his hair with my shaking bloody hands.


What is that? He is--

“Stop screaming, Arthur.”

What? What?!

“Jack!” I gasped, rubbing my tears away so I could see him properly, I didn't care I just fouled my face with blood, I was confused.

“I knew you'll kill them all If I act dead.” He chuckled.

Act dead?! What the fuck! Why would you do that to me? What is going on-”

“Listen, listen, listen, darling.” Jack tried to sit up, but I saw he flinched, and he was bleeding.

What is going on? Did he get shot?

“Did you think stupid mafians that only care for money could be smarter?” He mumbled. “I removed bullets from their guns. He thought he shot me but it was just the pressure of the empty gun..”

“It could kill you even if the gun's empty, dickhead!” I stroked his hair again, my hands still shaking. He was trembling, because he was cold.

“It's okay. We're safe.”

Jack, you have to lean on me!” I cried from worry.

“We have nowhere to go. We can't go to the hospital.”

Nowhere to go? Fuck it! I always have where to go.. Quickly, for example..


“What the fuck, do you think I'm letting you die?!” 

Gary was my coworker, he was always nice to me, he could help! Or I hope so. Please.

“Yeah?” He joked.

“Oh, trust me.” I took his hand and helped him stand up, he groaned and grabbed the place he's been shot to. “I won't.”

“Arthur...” he mumbled.

“Lean on me Jackie. You'll be safe. I've got you.”

Thank god Gary is nice. He helped me treat my fiancé, it looked good, Jack was a lucky guy. Haha.

I sat on the bed Jackie slept on. I was stroking his hand, I was so happy I could save him. He's gonna be fine. He's not dead. Oh god, I thought I'll lose my sanity completely when they shot him.

“You should go home.” Gary sighed. “I'll call you when he wakes up. It is gonna be a while.” He said.

I looked at him. “My home is right now, here with him.”

He walked away and I carried on, kissing Jack's hand.

Morning, 3:17
Jack's pov

Where the heck am I? I looked around the dark room. Please tell me I'm not in the hospital. Wait...


“Jack,” He stood up, waking from his half-sleep immediately when he felt me moving.

“Arthur, you have to run away!” I panicked. I can't be in the hospital!

“No, no, everything's fine,” He tried to calm me down, unsuccessfully.

“You don't understand. We'll both get locked up in Arkham!”

“No. It's okay.” He stroked my cheek lovingly. Aw, I love him. “We're not in the hospital. Nobody knows about us.”

He's fucking amazing.

“Jack... I-I love you.” He blushed, struggling. Just like he did it when he first told me years ago. He's so cute.

“I love you too.” I smiled sweetly at him.

We made it.

Right after I recovered and could walk again, we left Gotham with Arthur. It was great to be in a place where no one knew about us, why didn't I think about that before?

Well and guess what?

We got married.

“Jackie, you look great, stop panicking.”

“You don't understand! I've never been working. Like how? I can't believe I have an Interview.”

Arthur chuckled, and walked to me, managing my tie. Right. I totally forgot about that.

“You'll be breathtaking.” He looked at me.

I softly smiled. He's a great husband. I couldn't chose better. “I love you,” I kissed him, tasting his lips, and once again. Not getting enough of him, ever.

“Love you too, Jay. Come back to me soon.”

“Wouldn't miss a second.”

Who would say? That I will find my childhood friend and marry him? Was it him who I was waiting for my entire fucked up life? Was It him, the luck in my life?

He definitely is now.

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