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Jack's pov

After a while, we finally let go of each other. I watched Arthur as he was looking at the outlook of that field. He seemed deep in his thoughts. So I let him be, he needed time. I get that he's thinking. I mean, he finally got to know something from his childhood. The truth. I hope I didn't mess something up by telling him.

Wait.. Are those train sounds? What the hell? The train is no longer running here. I never saw a train in my life here.

But I ain't gonna risk anything, especially when Arthur is with me.

"Arthur, come on. I think the train is goinʼ." I announced, standing up. I rubbed his back to let him know, and got to the side of the field. On the other side of tracks there was grass and forest. I didn't look behind myself, until I heard the train honking.

I quickly turned around, seeing the brunette still sitting there. He didn't get up.

My heart sank and I ran back as quickly as I could, not thinking. It was a reflex and to be honest I was thankful I got back this fast. I grabbed him tightly to myself and jumped to the ditch, landing on the grass.

Arthur started panting rapidly, looking around himself as if he snapped out of his mind, while I was laying still on top of him, holding him close to myself until the train passed us completely.

"You fucking asshole, what was that?!" I yelled, but I wasn't mad, I was worried and panicked. What the hell just happened?

"Fuck, fuck." He grabbed onto my shirt and hugged me tight as he realized what just happened. "Fourth time."

Yes, I saved his life fourth time already.

"Arthur, never do this again!" I put my hand to the back of his head and pulled him close to me. I held him. Great, now I think it's my fault. I should have taken his hand.

I should have just taken his hand!

"Jack," He whispered.

"it's okay, cupcake, I'm not mad at you." I calmed him down, even though I wasn't calm yet.

Arthur let go of me and we shared an eye contact without any words. The adrenalin that was in my body, seemed not to fade away. I was still holding him tight in an attempt to protect him from another danger, while there was nothing to fear and we were safe for now.

The brunette looked at me, reading my face, he knew I was scared. He knew it. And he knew how to calm me down. Which irritated me the most on him.

He brought his hand up and stroked my blonde, now still half green hair behind my ear, leaning up for a kiss.

I didn't hesitate and kissed him, deeper, earing a quiet moan, that made me feel excited. When I heard him moan, I didn't know what to do. I want him, I do, but I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable. I don't want to hurt him. I know nothing about making love.

Our kissing changed to making out quickly, and I heard Arthur moan again. He arched his back, to press against me. I pulled away from our kiss and we both panted heavily.

Arthur stroked my cheek, in an attempt to rub my sweat away.

"Are you nervous?" I whispered

"No.." He kissed my chin the softest way he could, still breathing heavily.

"Jack, you're shaking." Arthur pulled me closer.

I smiled. He's the sweetest. "It's okay. As long as you're with me... It's okay."

I think.. I think I've fallen for Arthur. Definitely. Uh, I love him. And I never thought this would happen to me. But it feels so warm.

"You're mine." I mumbled, leaning to the side and kissing his cheek, continuing to his neck. "Say it."

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He enjoyed all the kisses I gave him. "Yes. I'm yours." He moaned.

I wrapped his legs around my waist, pulling him closer to me. This kind of adrenalin was too exciting. It felt like madness. This thing I'm feeling and doing with Arthur, feels like madness. I love it.

I started unbuttoning his shirt, reaching under it, he was smiling. But his face changed pretty fast when I placed soft kisses on his chest, to his stomach and within a second he was completely naked. Looking up at him, he looked away in embarrassment.

I just realized it was getting dark and we were literally about to have sex outside. Which is even more crazy.

He stopped me from another action and started unbuttoning my shirt, then pulling out my belt pretty fast and threw it away. I flushed a bit, we both were getting hard and aroused for each other. He surely wanted it this time.

"Whoa, whoa, there." I chuckled and kissed him once again, tasting his tongue, just like I love it.

"Please." he moaned.

"Fine. I'll prepare you first, so It won't hurt, okay?" I asked softly and he nodded.

Now careful, Napier. Do not hurt him. Calm down. Do not hurt him. You can do this.

Do. Not. Hurt. Him.

"Jack. I trust you."

I looked at him.

"I trust you."

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