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The truth

Arthur's pov

As soon as Jack left, I started shaking. Time to overthink everything that just happened.

What have I done? And was this a good decision? Did he use me? Or will he?

I ran away! I left my mother, which didn't bother me, I hated her for what she's done to me. But they'll try to find me. Will this cause problems to Jack? I don't want to be a bother to him. But he gave me his room. I must be special to him. Somehow? But why? Is it because of our childhood relationship? He still shared his story with me. But I'm really shaken up from running away from my old life.

I sat to the bed, that was probably Jackʼs, and started sobbing. Why am I such a sensitive person? Why am I such a crybaby? I have to get used to be here. I can't cry this much. I'm so not enough for Jack. He's so strong! So smart! I am just not enough.

But Can I trust him? He assaulted me before. Why's he so soft now? I don't get it. He is so confusing. He's the most complicated person I've met. Shit, I should stop thinking or I'll scream.

Jack's pov

As much as I liked Arthur, the fact why he was brought here disturbed me. I knew too well what they want him for. And it stressed me. I mean, I opened up to him. He's close to me, ever since we were kids. I don't want to do this to him.


I turned around. "What." I said coldly.

"The mafia boss will be there by tomorrow afternoon to pick up that guy. They'll give us 100 000 dollars!"

Yes. The mafia boss told me if I catch the guy who killed those three guys in subway, they'll give us 100 000 dollars on hands, and help us steal from the biggest bank in Gotham. The truth is, I'm about to sell Arthur to Mafia for some small money, while they give us this much in return.

But.. I feel bad. I don't know what to do, fuck!

When I got to know It was Arthur Fleck who I was supposed to catch, I felt weird. Seeing him after all these years, of abuse we shared together when we were kids. We shared our pain when we were small. I can't just do this.

I just nodded to them and left to take some clean clothes for both, me and Arthur.

It's gonna be okay. I sold a lot of guys and girls. I have to do this either way, or the Mafias are gonna kill Arthur and Me.

I couldn't shake the guilty expression off of my face. Coming back into my room, I saw Arthur sitting on my bed with knees pulled to his chest. I ignored him, but I hated the expression he had. Broken. He didn't deserve what is waiting for him.

I put the clothes next to him. "Clean stuff." I said.

He looked at the clothes and nodded. "Thanks. Where am I gonna sleep?"

"I'll sleep on the mattress down here. You take the bed." I said and sat down. I knew he was crying because his make-up was washed off.

We looked at each other and shared the same eye contact like the first time. It made me feel positive. I saw Arthur blush and look away, sadly. He was so sad.

"Tell me, cupcake. I see it in your eyes." I said and sat next to him.

His blush deepened, probably by being called that nickname again. It brought out memories, yes.

"I don't know if this was a good idea." he whispered, looking down. I saw another tear fall down his pretty face, and it broke my heart. "I don't want to be a bother to you, Jack. I am so not enough."

"You are enough. Arthur. You are enough." I cupped his face and made him look at me, while wiping his tear. "Don't say that."

I felt his hands on mine, he sighed as if in relief to have me by his side, and I pulled him closer-

Someone knocked


"What do you want??" I snapped, letting go of Arthur's face.

“Jack,” Arthur whispered in an attempt to calm me down. It worked, though.

"Mr. Joker, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting but the plan changed. They'll be there by 5AM."

I took a deep breath. Already this morning? Oh god.

"Thanks, now get lost." I said.

"Who will be there?" Arthur asked curiously, looking up at me.

If Arthur is going to sleep now, this is the last time I'll see him. Or talk to him. But I don't want to keep him awake, if he's tired.

"Just a guy who gives weapons to us" I smiled, standing up from the bed.

"Ohhhh, weapons.” He nodded,"Well.. I'm going to lay down." and yawned.

"Yeah.." I whispered and sat back to my mattress on the ground.

Don't think, Jack. Don't. You're gonna do it. That's final decision. You're just gonna do it. It's not the first time you've done it. Jeez, it's not like they'll hurt him. They'll probably just throw him to Arkham.

“Good night, Jackie.” I heard the sweet, tired voice talk once again, and I realized...

I just can't do it.

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