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First time

Arthur's pov
[NSFW obviously]

I can't think. This feels so extremely crazy. I felt Jack's finger inside me, and I gasped, grabbing his shoulders. Soon I started biting my lip and moaning, feeling pleasure. This isn't as bad as I expected.

I felt his second finger inside, so I tried to reach something behind me, which was sure impossible since we were outside. Oh, the pleasure.

"There, there, darling. Wrap your arms around me." He leaned close to my face, I obeyed, sliding my fingers into his hair, while breathing out from the thrusts he made. I couldn't help but blush as I opened my eyes and we looked at each other. He moved down and kissed me, making me smile into it.

"I think you're ready.” He hummed, and I nodded quickly. “I'll be a gentleman for you.” He added.

I giggled and leaned up, kissing his lips again. I couldn't help the kisses, they felt so right. With him. They felt so good. I swear I could kiss him forever, me, nobody else.

Unexpectedly, he thrusted his length inside of me, making me flinch a bit and groan from pain. Okay, this hurt. But I still felt safe.

“Ow..” I closed my eyes shut tightly and frowned. He kissed my forehead, not moving yet. God, He can be so soft. Realizing I was scared of him when I saw him in the TV. Did I ever think I would end up under him? This thought flatters me.

“I'll wait until you're okay.” He whispered against my skin and kissed my forehead again. He was shaking. Poor thing.

I looked at him, with tears in the corner of my eyes and smiled. “Haha. That's- ow- sweet. I like pain.”

“You do?” He chuckled.

“You can move, please. Please.” I begged, I needed it at this point. Even through the pain. I needed him. I wasn't concentrated on anything else at the moment. Not the wind, the grass under me that tickled my back, not the tracks right next to us.

He thrusted into me as soon as I said it, I squeezed his shoulders, groaning.
This is totally crazy. He was soft at first, however, it became quicker. To be honest, I thought that it will hurt, that he will be rough, but he wasn't. He was moving soothingly.

“I think if we stop now, the world is going to explode.” I bite my lower lip, as our foreheads reconnected. He reached my lips and kissed me twice, holding the second kiss longer.

“Looks like it.” He whispered, and started fasting up, causing me to arch my back and groan loudly. I moved against him, calling out his name with every thrust he made.

I only felt the pleasure and sweat running down my body, our bodies.

Jack's pov

When we finally finished, we stayed laying on the grass, naked. I can't believe we just did it twice in a row, outside, next to tracks.

We talked about a lot of things, and honestly, Arthur was momentally my everything. All I ever needed. A crazy relationship. A friend. Someone I can trust. Someone who I can be extra overprotective of. Someone I can kill with. And the way he's listening, the way he's so sweet and careful towards everything. Where was God when this guy needed him the most? Was it me? Because I saved him?

"It's getting cold and dark.” Arthur interrupted my thoughts, snuggling close to me. He kissed my shoulder and sighed.

"mmm.” I kissed the top of his head. "I'd sleep here tonight.” I announced.

“You really wanna ants in your ass?” He looked up at me.

I laughed. “Fine, fine.” I picked my lazy ass up and we both clothed up. I was quicker, cause I just threw the clothes onto me, while Arthur was buttoning up steadfastly his shirt.

But then I heard the train sounds again. Was it driving back? Since when is the train going here? I still don't get it. I know this place ever since I was a kid. There was never a train once in my life. This is weird.

And then it hit me. I totally forgot about that, about how dangerous it is to be with the brunette here.

“Arthur.” I whispered, my eyes didn't leave the tracks as I got on them.

“What's wrong?” He was immediately worried when he heard the tone of my voice. I didn't want to worry him, but I wanted to protect him. I knew I couldn't do both, so I didn't have a choice.

“We should hide. Now.”


I looked at him. “You hide.” I said and pointed to the forest.

“Jack, you're crazy! The train is driving back, get the fuck off the track!” He almost cried from worry. I get it. I get he was worried. I would be too.

“Do what I'm saying! Trust me.”

Because this isn't basic train driving people. This is something different and I knew it would come once.

I knew it.

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