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Jack's pov

I looked at Arthur again, and he pulled on his shirt. His expression was confused. But he hesitated about leaving me, which I expected. He got onto the tracks next to me, and I couldn't do anything with it now.

The train stopped right in front of us. Yes, it's weird. I knew something was off from the beginning. Arthur was also confused. But when I looked at him, he seemed tired. Poor baby. It was a long day. I felt his head leaning on my arm as he stood next to me.

"Well, well, well. You thought you'll run away?" A guy stepped out. He wore sunglasses and short sleeved t-shirt.

I knew it. It's the dude from Mafia. I was supposed to sell Arthur to him, because they'd get a lot of money if they gave him to Arkham. I know they want the money, I know they want to take Arthur away and they'll do whatever it takes. And it scares me. I don't know what to do at the moment. It's something new even for me-- I am scared. What now?

“Arthur, take my hand.” I said quickly, not getting my sight off of that guy. After a second I felt Arthur's small hand in mine, and I held him tightly to myself. He was small, one head smaller than me, I felt him almost hugging my arm, as if he also held me tightly. Few days, love, trust, friendship, and this is how we ended up. Not wanting to let go of each other. And me? Protecting someone? Just wow.

To be specific about this situation few days ago the police department gave reward for; if anyone finds Arthur Fleck and gives him to the police, they'll earn 100 000 dollars in return. It's because of the subway murders. The whole Gotham is hunting him down-- just like they try to hunt me down, and it's been years.

“How cute. So, this is why you didn't sell him. He's off limits.” He laughed at me and crossed his arms.

“I'll rip your balls off if you lay a finger on him.” I said bitterly.

“To protect this mentally ill loner? Come on, Joker guy. He belongs to Arkham. Do you know how much money we'll give you for him? I wanna talk properly. We can steal the biggest bank!” He said, having a serious face on. Maybe it's my fault, maybe I shouldn't have ran away and just talk to him about it. But away from this theme- how must be Arthur feeling right now? We're basically having a conversation about selling him.

I squeezed his hand softly, rubbing it with my thumb. He wrapped his other hand around my arm and hugged it properly, I felt a soft kiss placed on my shoulder.

“I don't wanna talk. I won't give Arthur to you, or to anyone else.” I said completely decided. “Just... Look, we can settle this, take all my weapons. My people will give you anything.”

“Weapons for money? I thought you're smart. Well. Then I'll have to take him myself.” He chuckled, took off his glasses and made a few steps towards us.

Touch him and you're dead.” I snapped, holding the brunette tighter to myself.

“Jack... Jack.” Arthur kissed my arm again in an attempt to calm me down. I looked at him and them back at the asshole--


Of course he wasn't alone. Now there was more than twenty guys with weapons behind him.

“So? You're still willing to risk your life for a guy?” He raised a brow.

Both, me and Arthur looked at each other. I think we both had the same idea. Let's run away?

“Come on run!” We tightened our grip onto each other, and begun running away hand in hand. I didn't have a better idea anyways. We'll have to hide together. We ran on the tracks, laughing. Gosh, this is madness. We ran until we got into a forest, I pushed Arthur off the track and we hid in the woods.

“Shhh!” I covered his mouth and he held my coat tightly, trying not to make a sound.

Waiting until the guys pass us. When they finally did, I chuckled and my fear dissappeared. Having him by my side is enough to make me feel fearless. Somehow.

I took his cheek and pulled him into a kiss, he laid on the grassy ground. It was dark already.

“Ah, Jack!” He blushed.

“Looks like we'll have to sleep here tonight, Artie.” I kissed his nose.

“Mmm no, it's prickly!” He groaned and wrapped his arms around me.

I laughed. “Oh really? And where? Here??” I tickled his neck and he laughed together with me. Then I continued tickling his stomach. He gave me so much butterflies, I don't get it.

Arthur kicked his legs around himself.
“Stooop!” He yelped.

“Shhh, they can still hear us.” I stopped teasing him and he wrapped his arms around me again, hugging me this time. I held his back and closed my eyes. I have to protect him at all costs. I have to keep him with me. I have to make sure he's mine.

No one ever understood me, just like he did. Ever since our childhood. It may seem strange but he really is the only one who has seen me cry.

I have to make sure he's mine.

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