567 18 10

The ending

Arthur's pov

I woke up, looking around myself. I realized I was still inside the train. This still isn't a dream. I am still with Jack. Good. I tried to reach his hand, but I couldn't.

I looked around once again, but there was no one. Literally. I got a little bit scared. Where did he go?

“Jack?” I called out.


Fine, I'll wait for him. Maybe he just went to find something to eat. Right? He could be outside. But what if they caught him? No, no. Everything is fine. But why do I have such a feeling? Such a weird feeling? Something is fucking odd.

Waiting for about half a hour, I grew desperate and worried. I left the cabin I slept in, and attempted calling my fiancé again.


“Ha. Ha. Ha. What did you think? You poor little shit.”

My heart stopped as I turned around, very slowly. No, this wasn't him. It just wasn't him.

“What have you done to him?” I frowned. It was the mafia guy from before, who tried to chase us. But now to the serious problem- where is Jack?

“Heʼs stupid, it's his fault. I told him when we first talked. Your life or his life.” He said as if nothing was happening. But I couldn't stand this, I immediately broke down. I had such an unlucky life, I thought about the negative first; they could really hurt him.

“No! Please, please! I'll go to Arkham with you, anywhere, just please don't hurt him!” I panicked.

“Too late. I'm from mafia. Do you think two crazy guys could escape me?” He smirked at me.

“I want to see him.” I frowned once again, looking at this guy with a total disgust and hate.

He's awful. Everybody is awful.

“Your wish is my order.” he approached me and I flinched, but I still followed him to where he led me. It may seem stupid to follow someone who wanted me dead, or still does, but I am blinded by the love I feel for Jack. I'd die for him. Literally.

But I learned one thing from him. Within the years we spend together, and I'm starting to remember all of them.

Do not trust awful people.

I kicked the guys leg from behind so he fell and started running forward the hallway he had led me through. I panted, looking behind myself every second.

“Come back here you little asshole!” I heard.

I was scared to be here alone. Without my... Love. I couldn't take the fact they kept him somewhere. Did they take him to threaten me? They don't need him, they need me.

Jack!” I screamed. And again. Gosh, this has to be a nightmare. He is my soulmate, my guardian angel, I can't lose him. Please, I can't.

Suddenly I heard him. The voice I would recognize everywhere, anytime.

“Arthur! I'm here!” He yelled from one room, I turned my head to the room it was coming from. It was close.

I'm coming baby.” I whispered to myself and followed the sounds he made, so I could find the right room. Opening the door, I couldn't do anything else but reach him and kiss him.

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