Matteo and Malfoy

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November 15th. The day that changed everything. Snow coated the grounds of Hogwarts and Hogsmede. I walked with Pansy, Blaise, and Marcus to the Three Broomsticks. We walked inside to the see the golden trio sitting at a table in the back. As we went to sit down Ron said, "Y/n. Come here for a sec."
I whispered to Marcus, "Save me a seat by you. We're waiting for Dray and Matt." I turned towards Ron and walked over to the empty chair and said, "Hello. May I help you."
Ron rolled his eyes and said, "I still don't get how your a Ravenclaw. But anyway next time you do it with George make sure he doesn't fuck and tell cause I don't want the details."
I giggled and said, "Oh Ronnikins that was 15 days ago why wait till now to say it."
Hermione was about to say something when Professor Slughorn walked over and said, "Mr. Potter, Ms Granger, and ofcourse top of the class Ms Zaruh your all invited to my Before Christmas Ball." I smiled as he handed me and invitation. I waved by and was about to walk away when Slughorn said, "Y/n could you please hand these to Mr. Riddle, Mr. Zabini, and Mr. Malfoy."
   I smiled and said, "Ofcourse." I walked over to the table and dropped the invitations infront of the boys before taking a seat inbetween Marcus and Matt. I placed my feet on his legs and said, "So Mattie why do you look so glum."
   He rolled his eyes and said, "What do you want to drink Queenie I'll pay."
I smiled and said, "Just a butter beer."
I bent down and whispered in my ear, "I'm getting you a bag of kettle crisps and your eating them."
I whispered, "No!"
   He gave me a look before getting up and walking to the order stand. Dray looked at me oddly and said, "Princess." I looked over at him as he continued with, "What's going on with you and Matteo?"
    I smiled and said, "Nothing obviously."
    Just then Matteo said, "I've got butter beers and a bag of kettle crisps for Queenie."
   I rolled my eyes and grabbed the butter beer. I watched in silence as they all chatted before finally saying, "I need to talk to you."
   I stood up and grabbed Matteo's hand and dragged him out of the three broomsticks and all the way back to Hogwarts. Once in Hogwarts I lead him to my dorm once inside he said, "What's up Queenie?!"
   I looked him up and down before saying, "Why are you here? Cause I know for a fact that it isn't just that your going to school here."
   He looked down at his shoes before saying, "I'm here to watch and help Draco."
   I walked over to him before grabbing his arm which he quickly pulled away. I looked right into his eyes and said, "Lift. Up. Your. SLEEVE!"
   His hand slowly traced to the bottom of his sleeve before slowly rolling it up. I stared at his arm as the bottom of the dark mark appeared until it was fully showing. He looked up and said, "You can't tell anyone."
   I looked down and said, "Who else has it?!"
   He looked at me and said, "I can't tell you."
   I looked at him straight in the eyes and said, "Dray has it because I was their the day he got it. Now answer my question. Who. Else. Has. It."
   He gulped and said, "Flint, Zabini, Crabbe, and Goyle."
   "So they all got it this summer," I looked down and said.
   He looked back down at his shoes. I looked at him as he was about to say something when we heard running coming down the hall. I ran to my door to see everyone running to the medical wing. Matteo and I quickly followed to see just barely someone laying in bed. I turned and walked to Hermione and said, "What happened?"
   She looked at me and said, "Katie Bell was cursed by a necklace. Apparently it's so bad that their sending her to a hospital. Harry thinks it's Malfoy."
   I listened but my mind panicked once Drays name came up. I smiled and said, "Oh okay. Dray was with me the whole time so i don't know how it could be him."
   Hermione just nodded as I walked away. Blaise smiled and said, "Back to the common room."
   I nodded and followed the group to the Slytherin Common Room. Once inside we walked over to the fire place and sat down on the couches. I sat on the floor inbetween Drays legs as they all talked. I sat there thinking until finally Pansy said, "Are you okay y/n?"
   I got up and said, "I need to talk to Malfoy, Riddle, Zabini, Flint, Crabbe, and Goyle in my room." When no one moved I yelled, "RIGHT NOW!" They all ran out of the common room and to my door when I quickly went upstairs to Drays room. I opened the window and jumped. I rock caught me and brought me to room quickly. I quickly slipped in my window and walked to my front room. I lit some candles around my room and sat down when the boys came running in. I smiled and said, "Sit your asses down right now."
   Blaise gulped and said, "What the fuck did we do?"
    I smiled and said, "Everyone roll up both your sleeves right now." When no one moves I yelled, "NOW!"
    Matteo stood up and just ripped his shirt off revealing his abs and dark mark on his forearm. Dray followed, then Flint, and then Crabbe and Goyle rolled up their sleeves leaving Blaise. I walked over to Blaise and rolled up his sleeve. He looked at me and said, "I'm sorry."
   I looked up and said, "Sit on the couch." Matteo was about to say something when I said, "Riddle sit on the couch or Ill have a vine pull you their." He quickly walked to the couch and sat down. I looked at them pained and said, "What's the plan? Did you curse Katie?"
   Dray looked down. He looked up at me with so much pain and said, "I cursed Katie."
   I gasped. Marcus spoke up and said, "We have to kill Dumble..."
   I turned around and said, "Dumbledore." They all nodded as I turned around to face the window and said, "The trio is on to you guys. Will I be roped into this at all?"
  Matteo looked down. He gulped and said, "I'm supposed to bring you to my dad. Im not going to but I can't protect you forever so hide and don't get in battles."
   I nodded and said, "Pull yourself together we have a Christmas ball in a week even though Christmas is 3 weeks away. Go find dates and then work your shit out and don't get caught."
   Dray looked at me and said, "Princess I'm sorry."
   I nodded still facing the window and said, "I know just please leave."
   I heard the door open and close but I could tell someone was still their. I was about to say something when someone said, "Will you be my dare to the ball?"
   I turned and said, "Ofcourse Mattie but just remember that I control your life here so don't be a dick to me please."
   He nodded and said, "You know I won't Queenie. Good night."
   I smiled and said, "Goodnight."

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