Somethings Wrong

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   It's now February, and I've been at Hogwarts for 2 months. Those 2 months have been hell so far. It all started January 22nd, 1997.

I woke up an hour before my alarm on Wednesday. I decided to just get dressed right away. I was about to through on my uniform went I felt sick. I quickly ran to the bathroom and puked. I get changed and walked to breakfast. I sat with Dray and said, "Hi."
He smiled and said, "Hi y/n. Are you feeling okay you look sick?"
I smiled and said, "To be honest I don't feel to well."
   Dray was about to say something when Marcus, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle sat down and said, "What's up guys."
   I just waved silently as Dray said, "Hey guys. Don't mind y/n she's not feeling to well."
   They all nodded as they sent me sad looks. I stood up with Marcus when he said, "Do you want me to carry you to class?"
   I just nodded as he picked me up bridal style. I quietly said, "Transfiguration."
   We got to transfiguration where Marcus sat me down next to Hermione. Hermione smiled and said, "Hi y/n."
   I put on a fake smile and said, "Hi Mione."
   She gave me a look and said, "Are you feeling alright y/n?"
   I smiled and said, "Yea I just feel a bit nauseous."
   She just stared and nodded at me. I turned to the bored as Professor McGonagall walked in and said, "Good Morning."
    We all said, "Good morning."
Class was halfway through when all of a sudden I felt sick again. I raised my hand as Professor nodded at me. I answered, "May I use the bathroom?" She nodded as I quickly walked out of the door before running to the bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet as I hurled.
   Hermione ran in as I finished and said, "Y/n! Are you okay?!"
   I washed my hands and said, "Yea I think I just ate something bad."

I haven't been eating these past few days because everytime I eat I end up getting sick. It's been about a week since I've been able to eat and people are starting to notice.
   I was sitting in class today dozing off when Professor Flitwick said, "Mrs Zurah are you okay?"
   I blinked a few times waiting for my vision to come back to me before saying, "Yea I'm fine Im just not feeling to well."
   He nodded and said, "Do you need to go to the nurse?"
   I nodded no and said, "No I'm good."  
   He gave me an unbelieving look before turning back to the class and continued teaching.
   As the day continued I noticed students and teachers giving me odd looks. On my way to Potions with Mione we stopped in the bathroom. As I walked over to the full length mirror Mione said, "You know y/n you think for all the meals you've missed you think you'd be a whole load skinnier no offense."
I looked at her and said, "None taken, but to be honest with you if anything I feel like I'm gaining weight."
Mione gave me an odd yet concerning look before saying, "Odd. Very odd."
I just nodded as we headed to potions. I was sitting inbetween Dray and Marcus when I noticed a dull headache started to form. As the class went on my vision became misty as the headache worsened. Draco must of taken notice because he said, "Y/n are you feeling okay cause you don't look to well."
I just nodded. As Marcus said, "Y/n you need to go to Madam Pomfrey's."
I shook my head no as Professor Snape said, "Get out of my class. Now!"
I headed out of class with Draco, Marcus, and Blaise. As I walked towards the Great Hall my head started spinning and my vision got all blurry. I tried to open my eyes but everything hurt and was spinning. I got my eyes open to see the ceiling coming into view. The last thing I head was Blaise, Marcus, and Dray all scream, "Y/N!" As everything went black.
I woke up to see me lying in the hospital wing. I looked around to see the sun shining bright, and a bunch of cards and goodies lying on a table infront of my bed. I was about to say something when Madam Pomfrey walked over to me and said, "Well it's good to see that your up."
I nodded and said, "H-how long was I out?"
She looked down and said, "A week dear."
My eyes went wide as I said, "A week?!"
She nodded and said, "I do got some news dear though. I though I'd tell you first before any of your friends." I looked at her with wide eyes as she said, "Your 4 months pregnant."
I started crying immediately as I said, "I-im pregnant."
She nodded and said, "Yes dear. With twins."
I gulped and said, "When's the due date?"
She smiled and said, "July 31st. Now I'll leave you alone to collect yourself and then I'll let you leave for lunch."
    I just nodded at her as she walked away. I like just turned 16. George is only 18 almost 19. We're not ready to be parents. What would my parents think, what would my friends think, what would George think.

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