Chapter 16

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Huh! Where am I it's not my bedroom? maybe I am dreaming? "Oh! You have awakened! Good morning" she said. "Sakura! Wait you are greeting me the morning I am probably dreaming I should go back to sleep so when I wake up next time I am not dreaming." I said. "Hey, you are not dreaming you fall asleep last night so I brought you here. Okay, let's have breakfast first you go and fresh up. And I washed your clothes last night so you can wear them" she said. "Hey wait, what exactly happened last night?" I asked. "Well now you are at my bed and the reason I bought you here is that you slept on the couch on my shoulder while watching the movie. So, I brought you here and tuck you into the bed" she said, "So, we didn't sleep together last night right?" I asked. "No, we didn't! I slept with Sato last night. So don't worry and get dressed and come outside for breakfast" she said and went outside with embarrassment.

I took a shower and get dressed up and went outside for breakfast. I sat next to her at the dining table. There was a big silence so to break it I asked "Where is everyone else?"  "They all are sleeping. Must be, really tired after last night. And as I remember they came back around 2 a.m." she said."Oh!" I said, "And, today is Sunday as well, so no work to do". "Hey, about last night with Wataru are you okay now?" I asked. "Yeah, I am fine; you know I am better now it has made me strong from inside," she said, "but thanks for asking though". "Alright, then if you are fine with it then I do not need to worry about this," I said. "So, do you have any plans for today?" she asked. It makes my heart go nuts, so to make her little laugh I asked: "Are you asking me out?" "No, it's not like that you are overthinking," she said, but I can see her blushing when she said to me. Does it mean she is interested in me now?"Okay, let's go out somewhere." I said. "Okay, how about we go out shopping, actually I have to buy some grocery as well as a gift for a friend," she said. "Okay, shopping sounds great," I said. "Then, around 11 we will go out," she said. We finished our breakfast and I went back to my apartment. I open the door and saw all my brothers there. They are looking at me and giving me thumbs-up.

"Why are you guys showing me thumbs up? And it's Sunday how did you all guys wake up together on a Sunday morning?" I asked. "We should ask you the doing in Sakura's apartment last night?" brother Ichiro asked and each of them strangely looked at me. "This is nothing that you guys imagine it is!" I said. The door opened "Mr Takashi you forgot your cell phone in my bedroom" Sakura said, "Oh hi you guys! Good morning!".Everyone was looking at us as if we did something wrong or strange. "Takashi! What were you doing in Sakura's bedroom last night?" Jiro asked and looked at me in devils ways, with his stupid imagination on his mind about last night."Did you kiss her last night?" Junpei asked. "Well, nothing like this happen last night!" she said. "Then why is he coming back from your apartment and why was he in your bedroom," brother Jin asked. I am feeling so angry I just want to beat everybody right now. "Well, you guys, nothing happens like you think" Sakura started to explain "he came to my apartment last night and he forgot to get the apartment keys of his so I called him inside to have dinner with me and wait until you guys came home. We watched a movie he slept on the couch so I took him to my room and tuck him into bed and just had breakfast in the morning" she said. "So, where did you sleep?" Brother Yashiro asked. "Well, I slept with Sato in her room" she replied. "Oh! That's it and we over thought" brother Nahiro said. "But why after all we are friends so let's stay in the friends' zone okay," Sakura said. "Sorry, Sakura once again we apologize to you," Brother Nahiro said. "Okay, I'll pick you at 11 be ready bye-bye," she said and left. "Hey! What did she mean by pick you up?" Jiro asked. "We are going for a little shopping," I said. "Really, can we come with you guys," brother Jinand Hachiro asked me. "Hey! I want to go as well" Jiro said. "No! You can't I want to spend time with her" I said. "Okay then let's ask Sakura if she lets us go with her not you" they both decided. "Okay, then I want to go with you guys too," Junpei said. "Let's go to her!" they said. "Ahh- Ahhh wait to go get ready I will talk to her," I said. "Okay, we are going with them," they said. "So, what are we both suppose to do here?" Brother Nahiro said. "Yeah! We are also going with you guys then" Brother Yashiro said. "No need you guys rest here," I said."Yeah, I think I would better sleep today" brother Yashiro said. "Okay, then I would work on the project and will clean the apartment a bit" Brother Nahirosaid. "Great idea!" I said.

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