Chapter 33

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Things are happening the way they shouldn't! (Part 1)

It's been a day now after Sakura's birthday and I have to leave for the business trip the next month. I have to tell her about this because if I go without telling her she would be mad at me. I only have three days left before I go, I should probably call her and should tell her about this over dinner! "Hello?" she answered the phone. "Hi, did I disturbed you somehow?"I asked. "No, tell me what is it!" she said. "What were you doing?" I asked. "Well, I was just looking at the new candidates for the internship!" she replied. "I just wanted to ask you that, would you like to have dinner with me tonight? I have to tell you about something important!" I said. "Alright! I will pick you up after work!" she said. "No. I will pick you up!" I said. "Takashi! I would get late so, stay there in the company and do some overtime and after I am done I would give you a call or would text you!" she said. "Alright! If it's fine for you then, I will do as you have said." I replied. "So, now I will hang up the phone! Bye-bye!" she hung up. "Takashi! Are you preparing your presentation for the meeting in Brooklyn? You know how important these meetings are!" Brother Nahiro said. "Yes, brother! I am still working on it!" I replied. "And one more thing have you told her about the trip yet?" he asked. "I haven't yet but I will tonight!" I replied. "You should better hurry up and tell her earlier about this trip!" he said. "I am sorry I was so busy planning for her birthday party!" I replied. "Well, this time I am letting you off but next time you have to care!" he said. "Okay, I will!" I replied. Thank god I got saved this time! Now, I have to work hard and complete my presentation!

It's already 8:30 now maybe she is still working! No calls, no messages, I should not disturb her at this time! One hour has passed and it's 9:30 now, I should call her! "Hello, where are you?" I asked. "I am in the elevator of your company and here I am now, have you seen me!" she said. "You should have given me a call before you had left the company building of yours!" I said. "Well, I was already here on the gate so, I thought rather waiting over here I should probably go upstairs and meet you!" she said. "Alright, just wait a moment let me save this document and then we can go for dinner!" I said. "Hmm, I will be waiting here!" she said. "So, did something new happen today at

the company?" he asked. "Well, nothing special I looked at the new interns this year and selected a few of them because there is already no more vacancy in the company!" she said while looking at her phone. "Well, that sounds hard!" he said. "Well, it is but we have to do this. Generally, my secretary does this but she is on leave because she is on a vacation with her husband!" she said. "Really? But you have to do things on your own! And I am done shall we go now?" I asked. "Alright, I am hungry! Where shall we go today?" she asked. "How about going to the nearby restaurant of our company? The food there is good!" I suggested. "Alright! At this moment I just want to eat food!" she said. "Looks like you are very hungry!" I said.

"Here, we are!" I said. "Let's go in!" she said. "Alright what would you like to eat?" I asked. "I glass beer and some curry rice!" she said. "Seriously? You would like to have curry rice?" I made a face. "Yes, and sir please made it non-veg!" she said. "Okay, then I will also have the same as her please!" I said. "Alright, I'll bring your order as soon as possible!" he said. "So, tell me what was the important thing you had to say to me?" she asked. "Oh yeah! Right! I have to leave the country!" I said. "You are kidding me right?" she asked. "No, I am going on a business trip for the next whole month or maybe more!" I said. "Oh, so you are going on a business trip! And I thought you were going to leave the country forever!" she said. "Oh, don't worry about that I am here with you!" I said. "But when are you going? The next month?" she asked. "Well, the day after tomorrow!" I replied. "What? And you didn't tell me about this before!" she said. "Well, I wanted to but I was too busy and didn't get the chance to tell you! So, sorry!" I said. "Sorry, you are saying sorry to me now! Do you know what I had cancelled my meeting in the UK just because you were not well those days and you decided to go on a business trip for a month and didn't tell me about it before!" she said. "Why are you taking things differently? That was your choice to cancel the meeting, I never told you to do so and neither you had told me about this before!" I said. "Oh, yeah maybe it was my fault but I had done that for us, not just for me or you!" she said. "Sakura, just came down and tell me what do you want from me?" I asked. "What do I want? I want you to commit can you do that?" she asked. "I can but not now," I said. "Fine, then tell me when you would be ready! Because I am done for today!" she said and left. "Your order Sir!" the waiter brought the food. "I am sorry but please pack this up I would take it away and here is the bill!" I gave. "Oh god, what should I do now? I don't know what got into her!" I said.

The city so cold at night and even my breadth are becoming colder. Why is it happening? Maybe, this the time! Or maybe it's just us. I have to talk to her tomorrow before I go! Brother Nahiro's text. I have to go home to show him the presentation soon!

"What should I do about this food better should give to her!" I said. I ring the bell. "Yes, coming! Oh, hi! Takashi! Do you want something?" Sato answered the door. "Yes, please give this to her she forgot to eat it and tell her that I want to talk to her tomorrow. Tell her to meet me at the café near your company okay?" I said. "Alright! I will take care of yourself!" she said and closed the door. Life is becoming upside-down somehow! I feel like someone is playing a sad song behind me every moment I think about this! I have to clear out the misunderstanding between us!

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