Chapter 39

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After Two Months...

'Knock-knock' "Yes?" "Hey man! Are you ready for the wedding is it about to start?" Jiro asked. "Yeah! I am. It's time to get married now and start a new chapter in my life!" I said. "Wow, look gorgeous Takashi!" Dr Kim said. "Yes, he does!" brother Hachiro said. "Anyways I have come back from the bride's greenroom and I must say she is looking wonderful, you are so fortunate!" she said. "Okay, are we ready now it's almost time for your marriage ceremony?" brother Nahiro said. "Yes, I am!" I replied. 'Knock-knock' "Let me get the door!" Junpei said. "Excuse me please but, can I talk to Takashi for a moment?" Sato said. "Sato? Is everything okay?" I asked. "Takashi! You have to come with me!" she said. "But why?" I asked. "It's about Sakura, she is very nervous and you have to talk to her in person because she is nervous about this whole marriage thing!" she said. "Alright let's go to meet her then!" I said. "Wait, but you can't see the bride before getting married!" brother Jin said. "Yes, it is against the wedding rituals!" brother Yashiro said. "Then let's blindfold him and take him to her!" Junpei suggested. "Yeah, that's a great idea let's try this!" brother Yashiro said. "Okay, can you see anything? How many fingers are these?" Jiro asked. "I don't know three perhaps!" I said. "Okay, he can't see anything!" Jiro said. "But who will go with me along with him?" Sato said. "I will go!" brother Yashiro said. "I also won't mind going with you guys!" Lin-san said. "It's okay Lin-san you can join us as well if you want!" I said. "Thanks for calling me with you guys!" he said.

"Okay, are you ready to talk to her?" Sato said. "Yes!" I replied. 'knock- knock' "Come in!" the voice comes in from inside. "Takashi?" it was her voice, "What are you doing here? And why are you blindfolded?" "You Had worries right so, she called me here. Let's talk before you take any decision!" I said. "Okay, please sit! And Can we have a moment alone?" she asked. "Sure, we are going out!" they replied. "Thank you!" she said. And I heard the door close. "So, we are getting married today right?" I said. "Yes, we are. I had never imagined this day to come like this!" she said, "Me, neither especially I never had thought of marrying someone before I met you!" I said. "Really? Wow! That's kind of nice to hear!" she said. "So, what is bugging you?" I asked. "Well...I am worried about this marriage! I don't know if I am doing the right thing or not? And I am worried about the future that what will happen after we get

married?" she said. "Hey, calm down! Everything will be fine because we both don't know what is waiting for us after this day right? Think of the bright side we would be together right? This is what we wanted ever since!" I said. "But,

what if we broke up again?" she said. "All was all the marriages don't fail we have to do it together! Just believe in us and the Almighty! And now take a deep breath and blow it out!" I said. "Okay!" she said. "Look, if this is becoming

a burden in you then let' get married some another day when you would be ready!" I said. "No, I can wait anymore! It's okay I want to marry you!" she said. "Okay, then shall we?" I asked. "Yes, let's get married okay!" she said. "Yes, I would be waiting for you!" I said.


"Marriage is a holy matrimony which, connects to hearts and soul..." the wedding begins. I looked at her and she looked at me and smiled. I have been waiting for this day my entire life. I remember all those days when I was with her, our laugh, fights, dinner, dates, and festivals, and also when the first time we cried together! I suddenly felt like a warm thing is near me. I was her hand, I hold it and, as I felt was undesirable. The joy in my heart is ever erasable. "Now, please exchange your rings and say the vows." The priest said, "First the bride." "I Sakura Usui, take this man Takashi Hamada as my lawfully wedded husband and promise him that I would take care of his work and his family as my family and, will be with him in sickness and health, poor and rich, till death part us!" she said. "Now, the groom, please take the vows!" he said. "Yes, Sakura Usui! When you can to my life brought colours in it and I promise to take care of you and will support you and would take care of your family, wishes, freedom, and life as my life. I take you as my lawfully wedded wife. And I promise to be with you in sickness and health, poor and rich till the last breath of my life!" I said. And we exchanged the rings. "With all the powers in me and with the blessing of the almighty, I now pronounce you as husband and wife and you may kiss your wife!" he said. And so, as we did! "I

love you, little girl!" I said. "I love you too old guy!" she said. And So, the wedding ended with lots of joy and we started our new life with the blessings of God and our Parents.

*** THE END.***

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