chapter one

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—𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 boomed over Ketterdam, like a bass at a rock band concert

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𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 boomed over Ketterdam, like a bass at a rock band concert. The sound blocks out the noisy streets, even if it is just for a moment. Anya walks through the bustling streets trying to get to the Crow Club. Her hood blocks her face from view, she walks through the shadows trying not to drag attention to herself. After a few moments, she slithers from the shadows, removing her hood, and strutting into the club.

Anya walks straight over to the bar and signals the bartender to get her a shot. When he slides it over, she picks it up and tosses it back, not even giving a reaction. As she slides the second shot down her throat, a gunshot rings through the club, effectively silencing it. Oh Jesper, she thinks. Chuckling to herself, she heads towards the origin of the noise. As she nears the table, she sees Kaz standing there, his cane on the table.

"No loud noises at the table, Jesper." Kaz says. "You'll scare off the pigeons."

"Wouldn't want that boss." Jesper replies.

"Shouldn't you be on the door?" Kaz questions.

"Yeah, right away, boss."

Kaz gives Jesper a glower and switches his cane from one hand to another. He goes to walk away, so Anya walks up next to him. Giving Jesper a nod in greeting, receiving one back.

"What is it with you and birds?" Anya questions Kaz, but receives no response, as Rotty joins the conversation.

"Early for action, innit, Kaz?" Rotty asks.

"What do you want, Rotty?" Kaz questions.

"Someone stole a DeKappel from a merch's private residence last night." Rotty informs.

"Is that so?" Kaz questions sharing a look with Anya, who tries not to snort.

"It's a painting. A landscape of Ravka. The Fold. Oil on parchment."

"I know who DeKappel is." Kaz snaps.

"Well, he don't do nudes, so I've never heard of him." Rotty says as Anya pulls a grossed out face.

Kaz turns around, "Get to it, Rotty."

Rotty reaches into his coat and pulls out a miniature painting of it. He faces it, showing it to Kaz and Anya.

"Worth something like 10,000 kruge." Rotty informs.

Kaz takes one look at it before looking around the club. Anya watches him, noticing he seems uninterested as her.

"The thief had to get past four roving guards, high fences, padlocked doors, and a security system designed by one of them Grisha witches." Rotty continues.

"Fabrikator." Anya interrupts.

"Whatever. The point is, either it was a group effort or a ghost."

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